Get Programming with JavaScript

John R. Larsen

ISBN: 9789386052865

432 pages

INR 799


It is a book for beginners, for those with no programming experience. It makes extensive use of online code listings on the JS Bin website, a sandbox where you can experiment with the code and see the results instantly. In addition to shorter examples to illustrate the concepts covered, there is an ongoing example—a text-based adventure game called The Crypt—that you build as you progress through the book. This book contains many examples of source code both in numbered listings and in line with normal text.


Part 1: Core Concepts On The Console

  1. Programming, JavaScript, and JS Bin
  2. Variables: storing data in your program
  3. Objects: grouping your data
  4. Functions: code on demand
  5. Arguments: passing data to functions
  6. Return values: getting data from functions
  7. Object arguments: functions working with objects
  8. Arrays: putting data into lists
  9. Constructors: building objects with functions
  10. Bracket notation: flexible property names

Part 2: Organizing Your Programs

  1. Scope: hiding information
  2. Conditions: choosing code to run
  3. Modules: breaking a program into pieces
  4. Models: working with data
  5. Views: displaying data
  6. Controllers: linking models and views

Part 3: JavaScript In The Browser

  1. HTML: building web pages
  2. Controls: getting user input
  3. Templates: filling placeholders with data
  4. XHR: loading data
  5. Conclusion: get programming with JavaScript
  6. Node: running JavaScript outside the browser
  7. Express: building an API
  8. Polling: repeating requests with XHR
  9. Socket.IO: real-time messaging



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