Working @ Wiley

The Work Environment is stimulating, creative, open, informal and it is based on teamwork, mutual trust and fairness for all. The open work environment gives each employee to be expert in the desired area and great learning opportunities to grow with the organization. Our unique culture supports open dialogue, candid feedback, and enduring relationships. We treat each other with dignity and respect, as human beings first, professionals second. We articulate our pride in our financial success, our culture, our history, and our products by saying that Wiley is the place to be. Each project engagement offers unique opportunities to improve business processes as well as employee competency. We are an equal opportunity employer, committed to attracting and retaining a talented and diverse workforce that allow us to compete effectively in a diverse, global marketplace. We also make every effort to ensure career development opportunities that help our people to outline their own career paths. A vibrant, democratic and open culture has made our people deliver their best performance. We encourage and motivate our people to take up responsibilities at early stages of their evolving careers. This is possible through well-defined practices wherein Wileyians are inspired to take up leadership roles. We also give regularly appreciations to our people through attractive rewards

Team Wiley India

What is waiting for YOU?

 A fast paced career with best business practices .


 A democratic environment where people can come up with new ideas and suggestions.


 A commitment that foster an environment in which all colleagues are valued and can enjoy professional success.


 An environment which endeavors not only to respect the cultures of our different locations but also incorporate the unique character of each office into our Company culture.

    Wiley is voted as one of the world's most respected companies by the Financial Times; and is also ranked amongst


    100 best companies to work for (Fortune Magazine, US).        


     One of Forbes ‘Biggest Best Companies’;


     "One of the 20 Best Book Publishing Companies to Work For" by Book Business magazine;


     One of the 100 Best Companies for Working Mothers by Working Mother Magazine;


      Employee Focus

      we believe that the great organizations are built and grow with the exceptionally good people. We consider every person we hire to be exceptionally good and responsible for his/her personal objectives which further leads to the organization’s objective.


      Wiley is an employee – centric organization and it has inculcated congenial and empathetic working environment. We have several practices that help our people to enhance their competencies with their potential. We believe in participative management therefore we focus on creation of “work groups”. We create programs and processes that institutionalize our values and ensure a continuous improvement mindset throughout the organization.

      Employee Recreational Activities:

      We organize cultural activities, get together, games and other activities throughout the year to keep our employees busy and engaged.
      Employee Reference Scheme:  

      Wiley encourages its employees to add value to the resource pool in the organization by referring highly skilled, talented and responsible professionals who helps the organization to reach at the next level. This initiative has enabled us to attract a diverse pool of candidates at all levels.


      Competency Based Performance Management System:
      The Performance Management System at WILEY aims at giving an equal opportunity to employees defining his/her own personal objective, development plans and encourages people to work towards achieving the personal objectives through a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities and what is expected off them. It helps in understanding their full potential and thereby encouraging.
      Fun @ WILEY
      A Stress free work environment which helps the employees to make better balance in their work and life responsibilities. Life at WILEY is not restricted to only work. We bring the element of fun and happiness to the workplace. We encourage our employees to show their creativity and potential during the extra-curricular activities which organize in order to rejuvenate the employees.