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Spring Microservices in Action

John Carnell

ISBN: 9789386052377

446 pages

INR 999

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Spring Microservices in Action was written for the practicing Java/Spring developer who needs hands-on advice and examples of how to build and operationalize microservice-based applications. When I wrote this book, I wanted it to be based around core microservice patterns that aligned with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud examples that demonstrated the patterns in action. As such, you’ll find specific microservice design patterns discussed in almost every chapter, along with examples of the patterns implemented using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.

1. Welcome to the cloud, Spring

2. Building microservices with Spring Boot

3. Controlling your configuration with Spring Cloud configuration server

4. On service discovery

5. When bad things happen: client resiliency patterns with Spring Cloud and Netflix Hystrix

6. Service routing with Spring Cloud and Zuul

7. Securing your microservices

8. Event-driven architecture with Spring Cloud Stream

9. Distributed tracing with Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipk

10. Deploying your microservices

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