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Angularjs in Action

Lukas Ruebbelke

ISBN: 9789351198383

192 pages

INR 699

For more information write to us at: acadmktg@wiley.com


AngularJS in Action teaches you everything you need to get started with AngularJS. As you read, you'll learn to build interactive single-page web interfaces, apply emerging patterns like MVVM and tackle key tasks like communicating with back-end servers. All examples are supported by clear explanations and illustrations along with fully annotated code listings.

Part 1 Get acquainted with AngularJS

1 Hello AngularJS

1.1 Advantages of using AngularJS

1.2 The AngularJS big picture

1.3 Build your first AngularJS application

1.4 Summary

2 Structuring your AngularJS application

2.1 Hello Angello

2.2 AngularJS application structure

2.3 Laying the Angello foundation

2.4 Basic routes and navigation

2.5 A few best practices

2.6 Summary

Part 2 Make something with AngularJS

3 Views and controllers

3.1 The big picture

3.2 What is an AngularJS view?

3.3 What is an AngularJS controller?

3.4 Properties and expressions

3.5 Best practices and testing

3.6 Summary

4 Models and services

4.1 What are models and services?

4.2 Models with $http

4.3 Promises

4.4 $http interceptors

4.5 Service decorators

4.6 Testing consideration

4.7 Summary

5 Directives

5.1 Introduction to directives

5.2 Directives 101: a quick foundation

5.3 A more advanced feature

5.4 Integrating with third-party libraries again!

5.5 Testing a directive

5.6 Best practices

5.7 Summary

6 Animations

6.1 Intro to animations

6.2 CSS transitions

6.3 CSS animations

6.4 JavaScript animations

6.5 Testing

6.6 Best practices

6.7 Summary

7 Structuring your site with routes

7.1 The components of AngularJS routes

7.2 How to create routes in AngularJS

7.3 Using parameters with routes

7.4 Using resolve with routes

7.5 Route events

7.6 Testing

7.7 Best practices

7.8 Summary

8 Forms and validations

8.1 The big picture: AngularJS form validation

8.2 Testing

8.3 Best practices

8.4 Summary

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