Empower Your Learning with Wiley’s AI Buddy

Learning with Python

Allen Downey, Jeffrey Elkner, Chris Meyers

ISBN: 9789351198147

280 pages

INR 399

For more information write to us at: acadmktg@wiley.com


The book is designed to introduce the important concepts of Python programming language in detail. The reader will be able to develop and execute the programs in Python. This book will also help the readers to learn about Functions, Recursion, Iterative Statements, Strings, Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries, Files and Exceptions, Classes and Objects, Methods, Inheritance, Linked Lists, Stacks, Queues and Trees.

1.  The way of the program

  • The Python programming language
  • What is a program?
  • What is debugging?
  • Formal and natural languages
  • The first program

2. Variables

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