Empower Your Learning with Wiley’s AI Buddy

Adobe Analytics For Dummies

David Karlins, Eric Matisoff

ISBN: 9788126504442

408 pages

eBook also available for institutional users 

INR 799

For more information write to us at: acadmktg@wiley.com


Implementing and utilizing Adobe Analytics can be intimidating to any digital marketer that doesn't have their hands in data day in and day out.  You can empower yourself by breaking down the complicated nature of an Adobe Analytics implementation into relatable processes that take the fear out of utilizing this powerful tool. You'll gain a basic knowledge of key aspects and a solid foundation that will enable you to get the best possible use out of this tool.


About This Book  

Foolish Assumptions

Icons Used in This Book

Beyond the Book

Where to Go from Here

Part 1: Getting Started with Adobe Analytics

Chapter 1: Why Adobe Analytics?

Understanding Why You're Using Adobe Analytics

Avoiding HiPPO!

Knowing when you need Adobe Analytics

Knowing the difference between reporting and analysis

Identifying Where Adobe Analytics Data Comes From

Capturing data from websites

Capturing data from mobile devices

Mining data from native apps

Data from IoT and beyond

Configuring and Analyzing Data

Preparing to slice and dice data

Optimizing your raw data

Being a data collection detective

Situating Adobe Analytics in the Universe of Data Analysis

Surveying how Adobe Analytics stacks up

Understanding how Google Analytics fits into the picture

Evaluating plusses and minuses

Noting other analytics options

Building a Positive Relationship with Your Data Team

Chapter 2: Basic Building Blocks of Reporting and Analysis

Standard Categories of Measurement

Defining Dimensions

Using the page dimension

Knowing when a page is not a page

Appreciating the foundational role of the page dimension

Splitting dimensions with breakdowns

Measuring with Metrics

Defining hits

Measuring page views

Counting visits

Identifying unique visitors

Understanding deduplication

Trending metrics

Calculating metrics

Measuring with Segments

Using Report Suites

Breaking it down in the real world

Using Adobe Experience Cloud Debugger to identify your report suite

Chapter 3: Conquering the Analysis Workspace Interface

Surveying the Analytics Environment

Zooming In on the Workspace

Creating Your First Project

Understanding the Calendar

Using Analysis Workspace Panels

Adding Dimensions, Metrics, Segments, and Time Components  

Adding a dimension  

Adding a metric

Adding a dimensional breakdown

Adding a segment

Adding a time

Navigating the Menu Structure

Part 2: Analyzing Data

Chapter 4: Building Analytic Reports with Freeform Tables

Working with Dimensions and Metrics

Wrapping your head around dimensions

Combining dimensions and metrics

Adding Dimensions to a Table

Adding the page dimension

Analyzing a second dimension using the visit number dimension

Mixing in the marketing channel dimension

Zooming in with Multiple Metrics

Replacing a metric

Adding a second metric

Throwing a third metric into the mix

Sorting and Filtering Data

Sorting freeform tables in ascending and descending order

Filtering freeform tables based on a word or phrase

Advanced filtering of freeform tables

Dropping into the Segment Drop Zone

Dropping one or more segments into the drop zone

Using metrics, dimensions, and time ranges in the drop zone

Exploiting the Value of Templates

Looking at the content consumption template

Examining the products template

Using custom templates

Creating custom templates

Chapter 5: Using Metrics to Analyze Data

Analyzing Time Spent

Counting total seconds spent

Measuring time spent per visit (seconds)

Identifying time spent per visitor (seconds)

Calculating average time on site

Assessing mobile app time spent

Using Metrics for Bounces, Bounce Rate, and Single Page Visits

Understanding Metrics Unique to Adobe

Counting instances

Measuring occurrences

Averaging page views per visit

Averaging page depth

Distinguishing page hits from page events

Identifying pages not found

Measuring visitors with Experience Cloud ID

Analyzing single access

Analyzing visits from search engines

Using the people metric

Exploiting Product and Cart Metrics

Identifying product views

Metrics for shopping carts

Using purchase metrics

Working with Custom Metrics in Adobe

Chapter 6: Using Dimensions to Analyze Data

Wielding Content Dimensions

Identifying server sources

Looking at the site section dimension

Examining hierarchy

Finding error pages

Analyzing links

Specifying Activity Map dimensions

Connecting Behavior to Advertising

Analyzing referrer dimensions

Tracking marketing channels

Tying back to search engines

Applying campaign tracking codes

Chapter 7: Using Device, Product, and Custom Dimensions to Analyze Data

Defining Key Technology Dimensions

Distinguishing browsers and operating systems

Differentiating mobile device dimensions

Locating users with geographic dimensions

Dissecting Product Dimensions

Zooming in on product

Adopting product category or not

Identifying customer loyalty

Sifting through Time Dimensions

Applying time-parting

Measuring time spent

Analyzing visit number

Identifying days before first purchase

Analyzing days since last purchase

Measuring return frequency

Identifying single-page visits

Working with Custom Dimensions

Defining expiration and allocation dimensions

Distinguishing between props and eVars

Applying date ranges

Chapter 8: Productivity Tips and Techniques

Exploiting Essential Keyboard and Mouse Shortcuts

Opening projects and saving work

Creating content

Undoing and redoing edits

Making quick selections for breakdowns

Using the clipboard to move data to other apps

Refreshing content

Deploying key keyboard shortcuts  

Taking Advantage of One-Click Visualize

Generating unlocked visualizations

Locking visualizations

Saving time with visualization shortcuts

Invoking Time Comparisons

Adding a time period column

Comparing time periods

Applying Conditional Formatting

Understanding conditional formatting options

Part 3: Massaging Data for Complex Analysis

Chapter 9: Designing Precise Segments

Understanding and Defining Segments

Identifying segment containers

Distinguishing segment containers

Defining a Segment and Setting the Container

Governing your segments properly

Creating segments dynamically in a freeform table

Sharing segments between users and Adobe solutions

Using Virtual Report Suites Based on Segments

Identifying virtual report suites

Curating via virtual report suites

Redefining visits with context-aware sessions

Chapter 10: Creating Calculated Metrics to Accelerate Analyses

Understanding and Defining Calculated Metrics

Calculated metrics in the real world

Calculated metrics in the data world

Creating Basic Calculated Metrics in a Freeform Table

Calculating with two metrics

Applying functions to a single metric

Building Calculated Metrics from Scratch

Adding static numbers to a metric definition

Including parentheses when defining new metrics

Applying segments to create derived metrics

Getting the Most from Calculated Metrics

Applying basic and advanced functions

Governing all of your calculated metrics

Chapter 11: Classified! Using Classifications to Make Data More Accessible

Making Data Coherent and Accessible

Renaming unfriendly codes

Consolidating with classifications

Consolidating retroactively

Thinking outside product classifications

Applying classifications to breakdowns, metrics, and segments

Working with Classified Data

Identifying classified dimensions

Confirming: The best way to identify your classifications

Defining Classifications

Sending Data to a Classification

Importing classification data in bulk

Automating classifications with Rule Builder

Chapter 12: Applying Attribution Models for Sophisticated Analysis

Applying Attribution to Your Data

Differentiating Attribution Models

Applying last touch and first touch models

Considering linear and participation models

Exploring U-shaped, J-shaped, and inverse J models

Using custom and time decay models

Defining best fit, algorithmic, and data-driven attribution

Operating Attribution IQ in Workspace

Applying Attribution IQ in freeform tables

Creating calculated metrics with Attribution IQ

Comparing models using the attribution panel

Part 4: Visualizing Data to Reveal Golden Nuggets

Chapter 13: Creating Chart Visualizations for Data Storytelling

Getting the Most from Charts in Adobe Analytics

Getting visualization tips from templates

Dissecting a donut chart

Breaking down a bar chart

Looking at trends in a line chart

Sizing up data with stacked bar charts

Surveying multiple metrics with scatterplots

Creating Charts from Table Data

Generating a chart from a row of data

Generating a chart from multiple rows

Locking data displayed in a visualization

Building Histograms and Venn Diagrams

Organizing data with histograms

Deriving insights from Venn diagrams

Defining Chart Attributes in Detail

Visualization Beyond Data Charts

Chapter 14: Advanced Visualization

Visualizing Flow Paths

Defining flow paths

Creating a flow visualization

Interacting with flow visualizations

Analyzing Fallout Paths

Understanding fallout terms and concepts

Generating a fallout visualization

Building Cohort Tables

Understanding essential cohort table terminology

Generating a cohort visualization

Migrating from Google Analytics' cohort table

Customizing and Sharing Curated Projects

Changing Color Palettes

Chapter 15: Leveraging Data Science to Identify Unknown Unknowns

Detecting Anomalies

Using Anomaly Detection for KPIs

Understanding how Anomaly Detection works

Understanding the logic and math behind Anomaly Detection

Identifying statistical methods and rules behind Anomaly Detection

Viewing anomalies in a date-based freeform table

Viewing anomalies without a date dimension via a trended line chart

Turning off Anomaly Detection

Discovering Contribution Analysis

Using Data Science to Compare Segments

Invoking Segment Comparison

Brainstorming Segment Comparison use cases

Chapter 16: Arming Yourself with Data from the Beyond

Drawing Analysis outside Workspace

Exporting projects to CSV or PDF

Sending projects from workspace to email

Creating alerts based on anomalies

Tapping into Adobe data directly in Excel

Visual Analysis Heat Maps with Activity Map

Integrating within Adobe Products

Dissecting Adobe Audience Manager audiences in Workspace

Integrating your tests and personalization

Capturing email metrics in Workspace

Integrating beyond Individual Products

Analyzing ad data in Adobe

Accessing the scale of Experience Cloud

Connecting data into Adobe Analytics today

Incorporating any dataset in the future

Part 5: The Part of Tens

Chapter 17: Top Ten Custom Segments

Identifying Purchasers

Defining a Non-Purchasers Segment

Isolating Single-Page Visitors

Identifying Single-Visit, Multi-Page Visitors

Bucketing SEO to Internal Search

Segmenting Pre-Purchase Activity

Going Strictly Organic

Finding Strictly Paid Activity

Filtering Out Potential Bots

Identifying Checkout Fallout

Chapter 18: Top Ten Analytics Resources

Checking Out Adobe's Analytics Implementation Guide

Understanding Why You Need a Measurement Plan

Using Data Governance

Setting Up a Web Analytics Solution Design

Listening In on the Digital Analytics Power Hour

Getting Insights from Analytics Agencies

Attending Conferences, Conferences, Conferences

Joining the Adobe Experience League

Learning the Latest from the Adobe Analytics YouTube channel

Hacking the Bracket with Adobe Analytics


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