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Competitive Intelligence for Dummies

James D. Underwood

ISBN: 9788126543977

384 pages

INR 449

For more information write to us at: acadmktg@wiley.com


Whether you are just starting a business, venturing into new areas with an existing company, or looking to gain ground on a key competitor, Competitive Intelligence For Dummies gives readers insight on how to gather valuable information on not only their competitors, but on the operational environment and target audience. It also shows readers how to carefully analyze and use this information in their decision-making processes to gain market share and be on the cutting edge.



Part I: Brushing Up on the Basics

Chapter 1: Gaining Information Advantage

Chapter 2: Getting Started with CI

Chapter 3: Doing Competitive Intelligence on a Low Budget

Chapter 4: Addressing Legal and Ethical Issues

Part II: Gathering, Confirming, and Organizing Relevant Data

Chapter 5: Gathering Intelligence from Internal Resources

Chapter 6: Exploring External Sources for Valuable CI Information

Chapter 7: Tapping the Power of Experts and Expert Panels

Chapter 8: Tuning In to the Silent Conversation with Intuitive Listening

Chapter 9: Validating and Organizing Data for Analysis

Part III: Turning Data into Meaningful Intelligence

Chapter 10: Intelligence Analysis 101

Chapter 11: Applying Advanced Intelligence Analysis Techniques

Chapter 12: Profi ling the Competitor CEO

Chapter 13: Creating Competitor Profiles

Chapter 14: Spotting and Forecasting Industry Trends

Part IV: Getting Support for Intelligence Dissemination and Implementation

Chapter 15: Overcoming Barriers to Change

Chapter 16: Shepherding CI Information through Your Organization

Chapter 17: Perfecting and Promoting CI

Chapter 18: Defending against Competitor Intelligence

Part V: The Part of Tens  

Chapter 19: Ten Questions to Help You Assess CI's Effectiveness

Chapter 20: Ten Actions a CEO Can Take to Bolster CI's Impact

Chapter 21: Ten Signs Your Organization Is in Trouble


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