Training & Development For Dummies, 2ed

Elaine Biech

ISBN: 9789357460378

464 pages

INR 899


Training & Development For Dummies 2nd Edition guides training professionals through the process of training and maintaining employee skills for a successful workforce. The ways of onboarding and training employees have evolved over the years. Get the inside scoop on digital and hybrid training, developing a new generation of workers, and following up for continuous development. Dummies is the best guide for giving professional trainers confidence in their roles.




About This Book  

Foolish Assumptions  

Icons Used in This Book  

Beyond the Book  

Where to Go from Here  


Part 1: So You're Going to Be a Trainer

Chapter 1: Exploring Training and Talent Development

  • Introducing the Exciting Role of Training  
  • Learning happens all the time  
  • Understanding why training is necessary  
  • Learning is essential to career advancement  
  • Training isn't just for business  
  • Discovering What Trainers Do  
  • Assessing your training potential  
  • Taking stock of your skills  
  • Scoring your self-assessment  
  • How do you become a trainer?  
  • Exploring the Terminology of Talent Development  
  • Who's who?  
  • What's what?  
  • Experiencing the Advent of the Talent Development Role  
  • Merging training and talent development  
  • Realizing the many hats worn by a st century
  • TD professional  
  • Determining whether you have what it takes  


Chapter 2: How Adults Learn

  • Learning About Adult Learning Theory  
  • Meeting Malcolm Knowles  
  • Applying adult learning theory to training  
  • Understanding How People Learn  
  • The science of learning  
  • Three types of learning: KSAs  
  • What we know for sure about how we learn  
  • Brain-based learning: It's a no-brainer  
  • The growth mindset  
  • The -- learning framework  
  • Ensuring That Adults Learn in the Classroom, Online, and on the Job  
  • Create a safe haven for learning  
  • Create a comfortable environment  
  • Encourage participation  
  • Facilitate more than you deliver


Chapter 3: Introducing the Training Cycle

  • The Training Cycle: An Overview of ADDIE  
  • Analyze needs  
  • Design the training  
  • Develop the program  
  • Implement the design  
  • Evaluate the results  
  • Add a touch of design thinking  
  • Talking the T&D Talk  
  • Learning and the Training Cycle  
  • Variety and flexibility  
  • Conditions of learning  


Part 2: T&D: The Training Part

Chapter 4: Analyzing Needs and Designing Learning

  • ADDIE: Starting with Evaluation in Mind  
  • Analyze by Conducting a Needs Assessment  
  • The why, how, who, and when of needs assessment  
  • Is training really what's needed?  
  • If your time is limited  
  • Designing the Learning  
  • Aligning to your organization's needs  
  • Planning how to deliver your content  
  • Writing Objectives  
  • What objectives should do  
  • Task analysis  


Chapter 5: Developing the Training Program

  • Deciding Where to Begin  
  • Choosing virtual, classroom, or hybrid  
  • Using hybrid models  
  • Starting to develop a program  
  • Developing a Dynamic Opening  
  • Warming things up with icebreakers  
  • Considering other elements your participants expect  
  • Developing the Body to Ensure That Learning Occurs  
  • Knowing the value of lectures  
  • Contemplating countless alternatives to a lecture  
  • Selecting activities  
  • Adding Zest with Visuals  
  • Knowing why you need visuals  
  • Creating effective visuals  
  • Planning for Inclusivity  
  • Reflecting diversity in learning and development content  
  • Planning for inclusive learning environments  
  • Designing a Finale That Brings Closure  
  • Ensuring that you've met expectations  
  • Providing a shared group experience  
  • Evaluating the learning experience  
  • Requesting feedback and suggestions  
  • Summarizing accomplishments  
  • Ending on a high note  
  • Selecting Off-the-Shelf Materials  
  • Determining whether off-the-shelf materials meet your needs  
  • Adapting the design of a prepackaged program  
  • Pulling It All Together  
  • Understanding factors that affect a design  
  • Applying strategies for a good design  
  • Developing materials  


Chapter 6: Implementing Learning: It's Showtime

  • Opening Your Training Session with a BANG, Online or Off  
  • Build interest in the session  
  • Ask what participants know and what they want to know  
  • Note the ground rules and what to expect  
  • Get participants involved  
  • Avoiding Seven Disastrous Debuts  
  • Creating a Supportive Learning Environment  
  • Get to know your participants  
  • What's in a name: Five secrets to remembering names  
  • Let them know about you  
  • Training Like a Pro  
  • Presentation skills  
  • The participants' materials  
  • Notes: To be or note to be  
  • Asking and Answering Questions  
  • Encouraging participants to ask questions  
  • Answering questions: Some guidelines  
  • Asking questions  
  • Creating Smooth Transitions  
  • Wrapping Up an Effective Training Session  
  • Providing a shared group experience  
  • Evaluating the learning experience  
  • Gaining commitment to action  
  • Sending people off with a final encouraging word -- or two  


Chapter 7: Evaluation: It's Not Over Yet!

  • Grasping the Purpose of Evaluations  
  • Reviewing Kirkpatrick's Four Levels of Evaluation  
  • Guidelines for measuring the Four Levels  
  • Taking a deeper look at evaluation methods  
  • Using ROI for Training  
  • Exploring the ROI process  
  • Knowing the benefits of ROI  
  • Evaluation: The Last Training Cycle Stage but the First Step to Improvement  


Chapter 8: Getting Results: Transfer of Learning

  • Making Your Training Memorable: Follow-Up for the Other Percent  
  • Recognizing barriers to transfer of learning  
  • Using strategies for transfer of learning  
  • Doing What Great Trainers Do after Training  
  • Understanding Your Talent Development Professional Role  


Part 3: What ADDIE Doesn't Tell You

Chapter 9: Being Prepared to Succeed

  • Preparing Your Environment  
  • Knowing when, where, what, and who  
  • Making onsite room arrangements  
  • Getting equipment and visuals ready  
  • Preparing Your Participants  
  • Preparing participants: What works?  
  • Using unique virtual participant preparation  
  • Preparing participants: What doesn't work?  
  • Preparing Yourself  
  • Preparing to avoid crises  
  • Preparing for Virtual ILT  
  • Finding out who's in your session  
  • Practice, practice, practice  
  • Tips for staying organized  
  • Preparing your body and brain  
  • Tips for traveling if you must  
  • The procrastinator's checklist  
  • Last-minute virtual session preparation  
  • Doing Double Duty for Hybrid Delivery  


Chapter 10: Your Job as a Facilitator

  • Training, Facilitating, and Presenting: What's the Difference?  
  • Are you a trainer or a facilitator?  
  • Using facilitative skills when you present  
  • Facilitating Successful Training  
  • Experience is the best teacher  
  • Tips for facilitating activities  
  • Participation Prescription: Continue to Increase the Dosage  
  • Gotta play the game to perform  
  • Participants' expectations of participation  
  • Increasing participation -- or why are they called "participants"?  
  • REACTing  


Chapter 11: Mastering Media and Other Visuals

  • Selecting the Best Visual to Do the Job  
  • Knowing what's available  
  • Understanding the benefits  
  • Creating Your Own Powerful Video  
  • Ensuring That Visuals Add to the Learning  
  • Computer projection systems  
  • Videos  
  • Participant devices  
  • Flip charts  
  • Boards of all types (including electronic)  
  • Props  
  • Presenting Like a Pro  
  • Using visuals in general  
  • Using specific media and visuals  
  • Exploring the Other Media: Social  
  • Hot Tips for a Cool Ending  


Chapter 12: Addressing Problems: What's a Trainer to Do?

  • Tackling Training Problems  
  • Uncovering logistics problems  
  • Coping with equipment problems  
  • Accepting personal situations  
  • Confronting difficult group situations  
  • Learning that training is not the solution  
  • Taking a COOL approach  
  • Using humor to deal with problems  
  • Managing Disruptive Behaviors  
  • Preventing disruptions  
  • Managing disruptive types  
  • Addressing Virtual ILT Problems  
  • Not enough time to get participation  
  • Attending to distracted participants  
  • Reading body language  
  • Sweaty Palms, Parched Throat: Overcoming Nervousness  
  • Understanding pre-performance jitters  
  • Accepting your nervousness as natural  
  • Mastering nervous symptoms  
  • Tips for specific anxiety problems  
  • Preventing and Resolving Problems


Part 4: T&D: The Talent Development Part

Chapter 13: Your Talent Development Role

  • Expanding Talent Development  
  • Onboarding  
  • Leading change  
  • Coaching managers  
  • Coordinating mentoring opportunities  
  • Internal consulting  
  • Building teams  
  • Transforming Workplace Learning  
  • Seeing how talent development is important to organizations  
  • Confirming that talent development is important to employees  
  • Supporting the C-Suite  
  • Discovering Your Organization's Learning Foundation  
  • Determining an organization's talent development readiness  
  • Describing the TD foundation  
  • Summarizing your TD responsibilities  
  • Exploring the TD organizational readiness checklist  
  • Is Your Organization Ready?  


Chapter 14: Building a Learning Culture

  • Defining a Learning Culture  
  • The Rationale for a Learning Culture  
  • Learning Organizations and Learning Culture  
  • Imagining your organization's learning culture  
  • Knowing what inhibits a learning culture  
  • Cultivating Your Organization's Learning Culture  
  • Getting your leaders involved  
  • Linking learning to business  
  • Taking action  
  • Sustaining a Learning Culture  
  • Maintaining the Culture with Logistics  
  • Governing body  
  • Senior leadership role  
  • Annual update  
  • Communication and marketing  
  • Continued accountability for the effort  
  • Can Organizations Learn?


Chapter 15: Employee Development Is Everyone's Job

  • Exploring Organizational Mindsets  
  • Having a growth mindset  
  • Having a learning mindset  
  • Recognizing other mindsets  
  • An organizational mindset for today's learner  
  • Ensuring That Managers Develop Employees  
  • Helping managers be better coaches  
  • Helping managers and supervisors with development ideas  
  • Helping managers give better feedback  
  • Creating Employee Accountability for Their Own Development  
  • Delivering Learning through Others  
  • Helping the part-time trainer  
  • Enhancing team learning  
  • Influencing informal learning on the job  
  • Revealing Six Secrets to Build Successful Partnerships with SMEs  


Part 5: The Professional Trainer

Chapter 16: The Consummate Professional

  • Growing Professionally  
  • Attend formal learning events  
  • Search for certification and classes in many topics  
  • Ask others  
  • Do it yourself  
  • Going the Extra Mile: Stay on Top of Your Game!  
  • Go from good to great  
  • Where's your energy? Stay pumped!  
  • Design  
  • What does being professional mean to you?  
  • Giving Back to the Profession  


Chapter 17: Talent Development Certification

  • Introducing ATD  
  • Finding out why ATD's mission is important  
  • Understanding what ATD does  
  • Accessing resources through ATD  
  • Understanding ATD's Talent Development Capability Model  
  • Getting an overview of the Capability Model  
  • Recognizing the value of a competency framework  
  • Certification: What It Means for You  
  • Knowing the difference between certification and certificate programs  
  • Understanding the value of certification  
  • Taking a Quick Look at ATD CI Certification  
  • Seeing the link between capabilities and certification  
  • Applicant process  
  • Being a role model for learning


Chapter 18: The Future of the Talent Development Profession

  • Envisioning the Workplace of the Future  
  • Living in the midst of a colossal change  
  • Blame it on the virus and VUCA  
  • Identifying how VUCA relates to you  
  • Exploring the Changing TD Environment  
  • Spending is increasing for talent development  
  • Finding and retaining talent is vital  
  • Coaching the essentials is key  
  • Encouraging continuous learning  
  • Planning for a metaverse future  
  • Tapping into training technology  
  • Making use of brain-based learning  
  • Seeing how less is more  
  • Embracing virtual learning  
  • Training on the run  
  • Including DEI and culture  
  • Preparing millennials for leadership roles  
  • Helping Everyone Learn to Learn  
  • Seizing the Future of Learning  
  • Preparing Yourself for Change  
  • Exploring content for a changing world  
  • Researching new roles  
  • Becoming a lifelong learner  
  • Sharpening your skills  
  • Taking stock; taking action  
  • Maintaining your personal spark  


Part 6: The Part of Tens

Chapter 19: Ten Virtual Warm-Ups

  • Someone Once Said  
  • Test Their Mettle  
  • Chat Away  
  • Expect Expectations  
  • At the Movies  
  • Going Live  
  • Vote Early, Vote Often  
  • Show Me the Picture  
  • How Was the Homework?  
  • Annotate It  


Chapter 20: Ten Quick Ways to Enable Social Learning

  • Blogs for Your Future  
  • Accountability Partners or Trios  
  • Personal Learning Groups  
  • Follow Up with Fun  
  • DIY Career Paths  
  • Peer Coaching Circles  
  • Video Posts  
  • Volunteer Activities  
  • Feedback Incentive  
  • Pictures of Proof  




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