Strategic Management, 4ed: Concepts and Cases (An Indian Adaptation)

Jeffrey H. Dyer, Paul C. Godfrey, Robert J. Jensen, David J. Bryce, Safal Batra

ISBN: 9789357462075

564 pages

INR 999


Strategic Management fourth edition delivers an insightful, clear, concise introduction to strategy management concepts and links these concepts to the skills and knowledge students need to be successful in the professional world. Written in an accessible Harvard Business Review style with lots of practical examples and strategy tools, the book engages students with an easy-to-understand learning experience to strategic management concepts. This Indian Adaptation sparks ideas, fuels creative thinking and discussion, while engaging students via contemporary examples, outstanding author-produced cases, and much more.

Preface to the Adapted Edition



About The Authors

About The Adapting Author


1 What Is Business Strategy?

  • What Is Business Strategy?
  • Competitive Advantage
  • The Strategic Management Process
  • What Information and Analysis Guides Strategy Formulation?
  • Vision, Mission, Goals, and Values
  • External Analysis
  • Internal Analysis
  • How Are Strategies Formulated?
  • Strategy Vehicles for Achieving Strategic Objectives
  • Strategy Implementation
  • Who Is Responsible for Business Strategy?
  • Who Benefits from a Good Business Strategy?


2 Analysis of the External Environment: Opportunities and Threats

  • Determining the Right Landscape: Defining a Firm’s Industry
  • Five Forces That Shape Average Profitability Within Industries
  • Rivalry: Competition Among Established Companies
  • Buyer Power: Bargaining Power and Price Sensitivity Supplier Bargaining Power
  • Threat of New Entrants
  • Threat of Substitute Products
  • Overall Industry Attractiveness
  • Where Should We Compete? New Thinking About the Five
  • Forces and Industry Attractiveness
  • How the General Environment Shapes Firm and Industry Profitability
  • Complementary Products or Services
  • Technological Change
  • General Economic Conditions
  • Demographic Forces
  • Ecological/Natural Environment
  • Global Forces
  • Political, Legal, and Regulatory Forces
  • Social/Cultural Forces


3 Internal Analysis: Strengths, Weaknesses, and Competitive Advantage

  • The Value Chain
  • The Resource-Based View
  • Resources
  • Capabilities
  • Priorities
  • Creating a Sustainable Competitive Advantage: The VRIO Model of Sustainability
  • Value
  • Rarity
  • Inimitability
  • Organized to Exploit
  • Assessing Competitive Advantage with VRIO
  • The Competitive Advantage Pyramid: A Tool for Assessing Competitive Advantage
  • Gathering Data for the Competitive Advantage Pyramid Analysis
  • Using the Competitive Advantage Pyramid


4 Cost Advantage

  • Economies of Scale and Scope
  • Ability to Spread Fixed Costs of Production
  • Ability to Spread Nonproduction Costs
  • Specialization of Machines and Equipment
  • Specialization of Tasks and People
  • Evaluating Economies of Scale: The Scale Curve
  • Economies of Scope
  • Learning and Experience
  • The Learning Curve
  • The Experience Curve
  • Experience Curves and Market Share
  • How Strategists Use the Scale and Experience Curves to Make Decisions
  • Proprietary Knowledge
  • Lower Input Costs
  • Bargaining Power over Suppliers
  • Cooperation with Suppliers
  • Location Advantages
  • Preferred Access to Inputs
  • Different Business Model or Value Chain
  • Eliminating Steps in the Value Chain
  • Performing Completely New Activities
  • Tata Nano: A Cautionary Tale


5 Differentiation Advantage

  • What Is Product Differentiation?
  • Sources of Product Differentiation
  • Different Product/Service Features
  • Quality or Reliability
  • Convenience
  • Brand Image
  • How to Find Sources of Product Differentiation
  • Customer Segmentation
  • Mapping the Consumption Chain
  • Building the Resources and Capabilities to Differentiate
  • New Thinking: Achieving Low Cost and Differentiation
  • Assessing Differentiation Performance
  • Strategy in Your Career: What Is Your Unique Value?


6 Corporate Strategy

  • Corporate Versus Business Unit Strategy
  • Creating Value Through Diversification
  • Levels of Diversification
  • Value Creation: Exploit and Expand Resources and Capabilities
  • The Eight Ss
  • Destroying Value Through Diversification
  • Methods of Diversification
  • The Acquisition and Integration Process
  • Making the Acquisition
  • Integrating the Target


7 Vertical Integration and Outsourcing

  • What Is Vertical Integration?
  • The Value Chain
  • Forward Integration and Backward Integration
  • Three Key Reasons to Vertically Integrate
  • Capabilities
  • Coordination
  • Control
  • Dangers of Vertical Integration
  • Loss of Flexibility
  • Loss of Focus
  • Advantages of Outsourcing
  • Dangers of Outsourcing


8 Strategic Alliances

  • What Is a Strategic Alliance?
  • Choosing an Alliance
  • Types of Alliances
  • Nonequity or Contractual Alliance
  • Equity Alliance
  • Joint Venture
  • Vertical and Horizontal Alliances
  • Ways to Create Value in Alliances
  • Combine Unique Resources
  • Pool Similar Resources
  • Create New Alliance-Specific Resources
  • Lower Transaction Costs
  • The Risks of Alliances
  • Hold-Up
  • Misrepresentation
  • Building Trust to Lower the Risks of Alliances
  • Building an Alliance Management Capability
  • Improving Knowledge Management
  • Increasing External Visibility
  • Providing Internal Coordination
  • Facilitating Intervention and Accountability


9 International Strategy

  • The Globalization of Business
  • Why Firms Expand Internationally
  • Growth
  • Efficiency
  • Managing Risk
  • Knowledge
  • Responding to Customers or Competitors
  • Where Firms Should Expand
  • Cultural Distance
  • Administrative Distance
  • Geographic Distance
  • Economic Distance
  • How Firms Compete Internationally
  • Multidomestic Strategy—Adapt to Fit the Local Market
  • Global Strategy—Aggregate and Standardize to Gain Economies of Scale
  • Arbitrage Strategy
  • Combining International Strategies
  • How a Firm Gets into a Country: Modes of Entry
  • Exporting
  • Licensing and Franchising
  • Alliances and Joint Ventures
  • Wholly Owned Subsidiaries
  • Choosing a Mode of Entry


10 Innovative Strategies That Change the Nature of Competition

  • What Is an Innovative Strategy?
  • Incremental Versus Radical Innovation
  • Categories of Innovative Strategies
  • Reconfiguring the Value Chain to Eliminate Activities (Disintermediation)
  • Low-End Disruptive Innovations
  • High-End/Top-Down Disruptive Innovations
  • Reconfiguring the Value Chain to Allow for Mass Customization
  • Blue Ocean Strategy—Creating New Markets by Targeting Non consumers
  • Create a Platform to Facilitate Transactions
  • Free Business/Revenue Models
  • Hyper competition: The Accelerating Pace of Innovation
  • Innovation and the Product/Business/Industry Life Cycle (S-Curve)
  • Introduction Stage
  • Growth Stage
  • Maturity Stage
  • Decline Stage


11 Competitive Strategy and Sustainability

  • Understanding the Competitive Landscape
  • Strategic Groups and Mobility Barriers
  • Strategy Canvas
  • Evaluating the Competition
  • What Drives the Competitor?
  • What Is the Competitor Doing or Capable of Doing?
  • How Will a Competitor Respond to Specific Moves?
  • Using Game Theory to Evaluate Specific Moves
  • Principles of Competitive Strategy
  • Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Bring Strength Against Weakness
  • Protect and Neutralize Vulnerabilities
  • Develop Strategies That Cannot Be Easily Copied
  • Competitive Actions for Different Market Environments
  • Competition Under Monopoly
  • Competition Under Oligopoly
  • “Perfect” Competition
  • Dynamic Environments
  • Sustaining Competitive Advantage


12 Implementing Strategy

  • Alignment: The 7S Model
  • Strategy
  • Structure
  • Systems
  • Staffing
  • Skills
  • Style
  • Shared Values
  • Strategic Change
  • The Three Phases of Change
  • The Eight Steps to Successful Change
  • Measurement
  • Line of Sight


13 Corporate Governance and Ethics

  • The Purposes of the Corporation
  • The Shareholder Primacy Model
  • The Stakeholder Model
  • Governance: Boards and Incentives
  • The Board of Directors
  • Compensation and Incentives
  • Corporate Ethics
  • Corporate Culture and Ethics
  • Creating an Ethical Climate


14 Strategy and Society

  • Strategy and Social-Value Organizations
  • The Tools of Strategy and the Creation of Social Value
  • External Analysis and the Value Net
  • Internal Analysis: Resources and Capabilities
  • Cost Leadership, Differentiation, and Innovative Strategies
  • Corporate Strategy and Alliance
  • Implementation and Governance
  • Strategy and Social Change
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
  • CSR and Firm Performance
  • Social Entrepreneurship
  • Types of Social Entrepreneurship
  • Skills of Social Entrepreneurs
  • Challenges in Social Entrepreneurship



Key Terms

Review Questions

Application Exercises

Mini Case


Appendix A Data Sources for Analysis

Appendix B 20 Valuable Financial Ratios for Strategic Analysis


Company Index

Author Index

Subject Index

Case 1 Walmart Stores: Gaining and Sustaining Competitive Advantage

Case 2 Coca-Cola and Pepsi: The Shifting Landscape of the Carbonated Soft Drink Industry

Case 3A ESPN in 2015: Continued Dominance in Sports Television?

Case 3B ESPN and ESPN+ in 2021: Challenges of Growth

Case 4 Southwest Airlines: Flying High with Low Costs

Case 5 Harley-Davidson: Growth Challenges Ahead

Case 6 Ecolab and the Nalco Acquisition: Sustainable Advantage Through Shared Values

Case 7 Nike: Sourcing and Strategy in Athletic Footwear

Case 8 AT&T and Apple: A Strategic Alliance

Case 9 Competing with Free in Video Communications: Zoom vs the Tech Giants—Microsoft Teams, Google Meets, Apple FaceTime, and WhatsApp (Facebook)

Case 10A Tesla Motors: Disrupting the Auto Industry?

Case 10B Tesla and Panasonic’s Strategic Partnership: By Jeff Dyer and Gordon Scott

Case 11A Smartphone Wars in 2013

Case 11B Smartphone Wars in 2021

Case 12 Lincoln Electric: Aligning for Global Growth

Case 13 ICARUS Revisited: The Rise and Fall of Valeant Pharmaceuticals

Case 14 Safe Water Network: Mastering the Model at Dzemeni

Case 15 Facebook at a Crossroads: Russian Interference in the 2016 U.S. Election

Case 16 Uber



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