Spark: The Power to Become Big is Within You
ISBN: 9788126578153
168 pages
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In this book, the author shares his 37 years of diversified experience including military, teaching, training, research and consultancy. He distils his years of experience and knowledge into 21 unique habits, practices and tools to convert ordinary individuals into extraordinary achievers. It contains inspiring examples and illustrations of extraordinary achievers and international leaders.
International Acclaim for Professor M.S. Rao’s Book!
1. Introduction
2. Acquire Self-Awareness
3. Discover Your Biological Clock
4. Be an Early Riser
5. Exercise Every Day
6. Acquire Internal Locus of Control
7. Visualize Effectively
8. Equip with Affirmations
9. Use Your Internal Dialogue Effectively
10. Strengthen Your Subconscious Mind
11. Journal Regularly
12. Read Avidly
13. Improve Your Memory
14. Improve Your Concentration
15. Practice Yoga Daily
16. Practice Meditation
17. Cultivate Mindfulness
18. Acquire Emotional Intelligence
19. Practice for 21 Days
20. Take Feedback
21. Be Persistent
22. Learn, Unlearn and Relearn
23. Conclusion
List of Books Published by the Author
Making a Positive Difference in the World
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