Service-Oriented Architecture & Microservices Architecture, 3ed: For Enterprise, Cloud, Big Data and Mobile

Shankar Kambhampaty

ISBN: 9788126564064

328 pages

eBook also available for institutional users 

INR 959


This book is a humble attempt from my side to share what I know about software architecture in general, and SOA/MSA in particular. I have structured this book keeping in mind the insights I have gathered over the past 26 years as a practicing IT professional. Although there are several good books and documents available on  software architecture, SOA and MSA, I too wanted to do my bit in sharing knowledge.



Preface to the Third Edition



Part 1 Software Architecture


Chapter 1 Software Engineering Principles

1.1 Software Engineering Practice

1.2 Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

1.3 Software Engineering Methodologies

1.4 Project Management Practice

1.5 Software Engineering Project

1.6 Software Project – Loan Management System (LMS)

1.7 Critical Success Factors for Software Projects

1.8 Summary


Chapter 2 Agile with DevOps

2.1 Agile Development Methodologies

2.2 Emergence of DevOps

2.3 DevOps Application Delivery

2.4 Continuous Integration 20

2.5 Continuous Delivery

2.6 Continuous Deployment

2.7 DevOps – Putting It All Together

2.8 Summary


Chapter 3 Software Architecture

3.1 Need for Software Architecture

3.2 Objectives of Software Architecture

3.3 Types of Information Technology (IT) Architecture

3.4 Architectural Patterns and Styles

3.5 Summary


Chapter 4 Architecting Process for Software Applications

4.1 Architectural Considerations

4.2 Architecting Process for Software Applications

4.3 Level 0: High-Level Architecture

4.4 Level 1: Solution Architecture

4.5 Detailed Design

4.6 Summary


Chapter 5 Software Platforms

5.1 Software Applications in an Enterprise

5.2 Packaged Applications

5.3 Custom Software Applications

5.4 Software Platforms

5.5 Java Platform Enterprise Edition

5.6 .NET Microsoft Application Platform

5.7 Summary


Chapter 6 Cloud Computing Concepts

6.1 Cloud Computing Paradigm

6.2 Types of Cloud Platforms

6.3 Technologies That Enable Cloud Computing

6.4 Opportunities in Cloud Computing

6.5 Summary


Chapter 7 Cloud Computing Platforms

7.1 Amazon Web Services

7.2 Google App Engine and Google Compute Engine

7.3 IBM Softlayer

7.4 Microsoft Azure

7.5 Summary


Chapter 8 SOA and MSA Basics

8.1 Service Orientation in Daily Life

8.2 Evolution of SOA and MSA

8.3 Service-oriented Architecture and Microservices architecture –

8.4 Drivers for SOA

8.5 Dimensions of SOA

8.6 Conceptual Model of SOA

8.7 Standards And Guidelines for SOA

8.8 Emergence of MSA

8.9 Summary


Part 2 Service-Oriented Architecture


Chapter 9 Enterprise-Wide SOA

9.1 Considerations for Enterprise-wide SOA

9.2 Strawman Architecture for Enterprise-wide SOA

9.3 Enterprise SOA Reference Architecture

9.4 Object-oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) Process

9.5 Service-oriented Analysis and Design (SOAD) Process

9.6 SOA Methodology for Enterprise

9.7 Summary


Chapter 10 Service-Oriented Applications

10.1 Considerations for Service-oriented Applications

10.2 Patterns for SOA

10.3 Pattern-based Architecture for Service-oriented Applications

10.4 Composite Applications

10.5 Composite Application Programming Model

10.6 Summary


Chapter 11 Service-Oriented Analysis and Design

11.1 Need for Models

11.2 Principles of Service Design

11.3 Non-functional Properties for Services

11.4 Design of Activity Services (or Business Services)

11.5 Design of Data Services

11.6 Design of Client Services

11.7 Design of Business Process Services

11.8 Summary


Chapter 12 Technologies for SOA

12.1 Technologies for Service Enablement

12.2 Technologies for Service Integration

12.3 Technologies for Service Orchestration

12.4 Summary


Chapter 13 SOA Governance and Implementation

13.1 Strategic Architecture Governance

13.2 Service Design-time Governance

13.3 Service Run-time Governance

13.4 Approach for Enterprise-wide SOA Implementation

13.5 Summary


Chapter 14 Big Data and SOA

14.1 Data Concepts

14.2 Big Data and its characteristics

14.3 Technologies for Big Data

14.4 Service-orientation for Big Data Solutions

14.5 Summary


Chapter 15 Business Case for SOA

15.1 Stakeholder Objectives

15.2 Benefits of Soa

15.3 Cost Savings

15.4 Return on Investment (ROI)

15.5 Build a Case for SOA

15.6 Summary


Chapter 16 SOA Best Practices

16.1 SOA Strategy – Best Practices

16.2 SOA Development – Best Practices

16.3 SOA Governance – Best Practices

16.4 Summary


Chapter 17 EA and SOA for Business and IT Alignment

17.1 Enterprise Architecture

17.2 Need for Business and It Alignment

17.3 EA and SOA for Business and It Alignment

17.4 Summary


Part 3 Microservices Architecture


Chapter 18 Trend in SOA – Microservices Architecture (MSA)

18.1 Services Model for Cloud and Mobile Solutions

18.2 API Adoption on the Rise

18.3 Challenges and Takeways from SOA Implementations

18.4 Architecture Trend – Microservices Architecture

18.5 Microservices Architecture in Action

18.6 Summary


Chapter 19 Cloud and MSA

19.1 Cloud Services

19.2 Hybrid Cloud Services

19.3 Considerations for Hybrid Cloud Services

19.4 Cloud Services and MSA

19.5 MSA for SMAC Solutions

19.6 Summary


Chapter 20 Mobile and MSA

20.1 Mobile Technologies

20.2 Types of Mobile Applications

20.3 MSA for mobile solutions

20.4 Summary


Appendix A SOA – Loan Management System (LMS) PoC

Appendix B MSA – APIary PoC




SOA and Microservices are very important topics in today's software industry. These topics are even more relevant because of the explosion of cloud, mobile and analytics usage everywhere and almost for everything with billions of devices and apps connecting with each other. The timely revised edition of Service-Oriented Architecture & Microservices Architecture: For Enterprise, Cloud, Big Data and Mobile (3rd Edition), I am sure, will add a lot of value to the knowledge seekers in this area.

This is an important book for students as well as practitioners for several reasons. It starts with a solid foundation, well structured, builds the concepts in a logical order, covers all the important topics, explains the trends, holistic in its approach and easy to read. Each chapter is well-thought and the flow is quite smooth. This is also a very practical guide for implementing microservices after connecting the readers with necessary theoretical underpinnings. Working from the first principles, this book provides how the SOA and Microservices have become matured technologies not just within the enterprise context but also in the world of big data, cloud and mobile.


Prof. Vasudev Varma

Professor and the Dean,

Research & Development,

IIIT, Hyderabad

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