Training and Development: Theories and Applications, 2ed

Dipak Kumar Bhattacharyya

ISBN: 9789357461764

396 pages

INR 909


The author has meticulously updated every facet of this edition, ensuring that case studies, caselets and opening vignettes remain not just current but forward-thinking, with a focus on fresh perspectives on emerging trends and their practical applications. This edition explores the profound implications of modern challenges on the training and development function within organizations. The book remains the ultimate resource, catering to students, instructors and human resource professionals alike. With balanced discussions, real-world examples and an array of chapter-end features, it offers a comprehensive grasp of training and development like never before.


Preface To the Second Edition

Preface To the First Edition

About The Author


Chapter 1: Human Resource Management and Training and Development

  • Process of Development of HRM Function
  • HRD Concepts
  • Objectives of HRD
  • Role and Significance of HRD
  • HRD Culture, Climate and Matrix
  • Structure of HRD System
  • Theories of Employee Development
  • Human Resources Planning and Training and Development Function
  • Job Analysis and Its Relation with the Training and Development Function
  • Performance Management Systems and Training and Development
  • Managerial Skills and Competencies


Chapter 2: Training and Development and Human Resource Development

  • Definition and Purposes of Training  
  • Need for Manpower Training
  • Classification of Training Programmes
  • Steps for Designing a Training Programme
  • Sequence of a Training Programme
  • Training Policy
  • Training Objectives
  • Training Methods
  • Techniques of Training
  • Use of Blended Training Approach
  • Benefits of Training for Employees
  • Marketing the Training Function
  • Role Playing
  • Training for Managing Change
  • Training Climate
  • Training Consultancy
  • Training Problems
  • Training Cycle
  • Training Needs Analysis
  • Attributes and Training


Chapter 3: Learning and Training

  • Definition and Concepts of a Learning Organization
  • Characteristics of a Learning Organization
  • Steps for Developing a Learning Organization
  • Implementation of Strategies
  • Training and Learning
  • Domains of Learning
  • Reinforcement Theory
  • Social Learning Theory
  • Andragogy—The Theory of Adult Learning
  • Goal-Setting Theory
  • Social Cognitive Theory
  • Self-Directed Learning (SDL)
  • Model of a Learning Organization
  • Learning Cycle, Behavioral Changes and a Learning Curve
  • Systems Theory and a Learning Organization
  • Learning Styles
  • Resistance to Learning


Chapter 4: Personality Development through Training

  • Definition and Concepts of Personality
  • Characteristics of Personality
  • Determinants of Personality
  • Theories and Structure of Personality
  • Personality Types
  • Personality Opposites
  • Personality Inventories
  • Personality Development
  • Measurement of Personality Traits
  • Personality and Recruitment
  • Personality and Employment Testing
  • Validity and Reliability of the Selection Tests
  • Test of Intelligence as Employability Test
  • Ethical Guidelines for Psychological Testing
  • Personality and Career Choice
  • Johari Window and Personality, and Training on Personality
  • Personality Assessment
  • Transactional Analysis and Personality


Chapter 5: Competency-Based Training and Development

  • Definitions and Concepts
  • Skills and Competencies
  • Competencies and Knowledge Management
  • Type of Competencies
  • Competency Characteristics
  • Competency Mapping
  • Competency Mapping Process
  • Competency Mapping Approaches
  • Steps of a Competency Identification Process
  • Steps to Introduce a Competency-Based System
  • Advantages of a Competency-Based Approach
  • Developing a Competency Model
  • Approaches to Competency Development Models
  • Examples of HR Competencies
  • Competency-Based Performance Management Systems
  • Essential Elements of Competency-Based Performance Management Systems
  • Monitor Performance and Feedback
  • Complete Employee Profile and Development Plan
  • Begin Succession Planning/Talent Management
  • Competency Dictionary
  • Competency-Based Training and Development


Chapter 6: Training Needs Analysis

  • Sources for Identifying Training Needs
  • Benefits of Needs Assessment
  • TNA at Different Levels
  • Process of TNA
  • Purpose of TNA
  • Steps in a TNA Process
  • Types of Needs Analyses
  • Techniques for Determining Specific Training Needs
  • Developing the Training Plan
  • Framework for Training Needs Identification
  • TNA Survey


Chapter 7: Training Policy, Plans and Resources

  • Training Policy
  • Training Plan
  • Budgeting for Training
  • Training Process
  • Framework of a Training Process Model
  • Role of a Training Manager
  • Training Transfer


Chapter 8: Designing Training Programmes

  • Designing Training
  • Models of Training or Instructional Design
  • Training Design and Work Environment
  • Work Environment Factors for Training Design
  • Training Design Template
  • Sample Training Programmes
  • Experiential Training


Chapter 9: Training Methodology

  • Different Methods of Training
  • Steps of a Case Study for the Learners
  • Role-Play Exercises for Performance Management
  • Remove Blocking and Block Busting
  • Induction
  • Employee Socialization Process
  • Models of Employee Socialization
  • Placement
  • Importance of Induction and Placement
  • Training Aids
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Training Methods
  • Training Alternatives
  • Mentoring and Coaching
  • Employee Counselling
  • Training Through Team building
  • Team-Building Exercises
  • Membership for Team Effectiveness
  • Training Through Adventure Tours


Chapter 10: E-Training or E-Learning Methods of Training

  • Types of E-Training
  • Designing E-Training Programmes
  • Computer-Based Training (CBT)
  • Training with Multimedia
  • Learning Management Systems
  • E-Training Transferability


Chapter 11: Training Evaluation

  • Sample Evaluation Matrix
  • Important Considerations for Designing Training-Evaluation Models
  • Problems of Training Evaluation
  • Requirements for Effective Training Evaluation
  • Types of Training Evaluation
  • Calculation of Cost and Benefits of Training
  • Training Evaluation Models


Chapter 12: Training for Career Planning and Development

  • Meaning and Definition of Career
  • Meaning and Overview of Career Development
  • Types of Career Development Programmes
  • Interrelation of Career Development with Other Human Resource Development Functions
  • Different Stages or Cycles of Career Development Process
  • Career Anchors
  • Career Development and Employee Empowerment
  • Indian Scenario
  • Career Planning and Career Development Process
  • Integration of Career Development Process with Career Stage and Family Issues
  • Developing Career Paths Compatible to Changing Needs
  • Steps of Career Planning Process
  • Future of Career Planning and Development in India—Some Organizational Issues
  • Succession Planning
  • Management Development
  • Failure of Management Development Programmes in Most of the Organizations
  • Organizational Development


Chapter 13: Training for Organizational Development

  • Definition and Concepts of Organization Development
  • Role of Organizational Development as an Important Area of the HRD Activity
  • Process of Development of the Organization Development Concept
  • Organization Development Intervention Stages
  • Common Features of Organization Development
  • Areas of Organizational Change Affected Through Organization Development
  • Organization Development and Management Development
  • Important Triggers for Organization Development
  • Need for Organization Development in Organizations
  • Organization Development and Organizational Involvement
  • Organization Development and Leadership Development
  • Personal Profiling for Career Development
  • Organization Development and the Role of Consultants
  • Organizational Lifecycle Analysis
  • Organizational Development Intervention Tools
  • Organization Development and Different Organizational Change Approaches
  • Performance Counselling


Chapter 14: International Training and Development

  • Cross-Cultural Training
  • Generic Contents of a Cross-Cultural Training Module
  • Specific Contents of a Cross-Cultural Marketing Module
  • Cross-Cultural Training Methods
  • Managing Diversity
  • Best HRD Strategies for Working with Diversity
  • Components of Effective Diversity Training Programmes
  • Cross-Cultural Issues and Theories







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