Engineering Physics: Theory and Practical, 2ed
ISBN: 9788126570157
424 pages
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This book has been written to serve as a text for revised syllabus of Engineering Physics-I (NAS-101), Engineering Physics-II (NAS-201) and Practical (NAS-151/251) of Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU), Lucknow. The requirements of the students have been fulfilled by explaining the basic principles and applications of Engineering Physics in a simple, lucid and systematic manner. Extensive care has also been taken in such a manner that the beginners will also grasp and understand the complex ideas easily with appropriate examples, neatly drawn diagrams, tables wherever required, etc. The accompanying LAB MANUAL provides detailed theory, method, observation table and question and answer for viva-voce. It provides complete information on all experiments prescribed as per UPTU syllabus.
Preface to the Second Edition
Preface to the First Edition
About the Authors
Chapter 1 Relativistic Mechanics
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Some Important Terms
1.3 Frame of Reference
1.4 Earth: Inertial or Non-Inertial Frame of Reference?
1.5 Ether Hypothesis
1.6 Michelson−Morley Experiment
1.7 Einstein’s Postulates of Special Theory of Relativity
1.8 Galilean Transformation
1.9 Lorentz Transformations
1.10 Inverse Lorentz Transformations Equations
1.11 Consequences of Lorentz Transformations
1.12 Twin Paradox in Special Relativity
1.13 Transformation of Velocities or Addition of Velocities
1.14 Variation of Mass with Velocity
1.15 Expression for the Relativistic Kinetic Energy
1.16 Einstein’s Mass−Energy Relation
1.17 Relativistic Relation between Energy and Momentum
1.18 Massless Particles
1.19 Examples of Mass–Energy Relation
1.20 Concept of Rest Mass of Photon
Chapter 2 Wave Mechanics
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Black Body Radiation
2.3 Planck’s Quantum Theory and Radiation Law
2.4 Wave-Particle Duality
2.5 de-Broglie Hypothesis
2.6 de-Broglie’s Wavelength
2.7 de-Broglie Wavelength for a Free Particle in Terms of its Kinetic Energy
2.8 Analysis of Matter Wave or de-Broglie Wave
2.9 Davisson and Germer Experiment
2.10 Bohr’s Quantization Condition
2.11 Phase Velocity and Group Velocity
2.12 Phase Velocity of de-Broglie Waves
2.13 Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle
2.14 Schrödinger Wave Equation
2.15 Physical Interpretation of Wave Function y
2.16 Normalized Wave Function
2.17 Properties of Wave Function
2.18 Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions
2.19 Applications of Schrödinger Wave Equations
2.20 Energy Eigenvalues
2.21 Eigenfunction (Normalization of Wave Function)
Chapter 3 Wave Optics: Interference
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Interference of Light
3.3 Superposition
3.4 Types of Interference
3.5 Theory of Interference
3.6 Coherent Sources
3.7 Fringe Width
3.8 Interference in Thin Films
3.9 Colors of Thin Films
3.10 Interference in Thin Film Due to Wedge-Shaped or Thin Film Interference of
Increasing Thickness
3.11 Fringe Width
3.12 Newton Rings
3.13 Determination of the Refractive Index of a Liquid
Chapter 4 Diffraction of Light
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Classification of Diffraction
4.3 An Important Mathematical Analysis
4.4 Fraunhofer Diffraction at a Single Slit
4.5 Fraunhofer Diffraction due to Double Slit
4.6 Condition for Absent Spectra or Missing Spectra
4.7 Fraunhofer Diffraction due to N Slits or Plane Diffraction Grating
4.8 Dispersive Power of Diffraction Grating
4.9 Difference Between Prism and Grating Spectra
4.10 Resolving Power
4.11 Rayleigh’s Criterion for Resolution
4.12 Resolving Power of Plane Transmission Grating
Chapter 5 Polarization of Light
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Transverse Nature of Light
5.3 Double Refraction and Doubly Refracting Crystals
5.4 Huygen’s Theory of Double Refraction
5.5 Nicol Prism
5.6 Mathematical Treatment for Production and Analysis of Plane,
5.7 Retardation Plates
5.8 Production and Analysis of Plane, Circularly and Elliptical Polarized Light
5.9 Optical Activity
5.10 Specific Rotation
Chapter 6 Laser
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Characteristics of Laser Beam
6.3 Concept of Coherence
6.4 Absorption of Radiation
6.5 Spontaneous Emission of Radiation
6.6 Stimulated Emission of Radiation
6.7 Principle of Laser Action
6.8 Various Levels of Laser System
6.9 Ruby Laser
6.10 Helium–Neon (He–Ne) Laser
6.11 Applications of Laser
Chapter 7 Fiber Optics and Holography
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Light Propagation in an Optical Fiber
7.3 Acceptance Angle, Acceptance Cone and Numerical Aperture
7.4 Modes of Fiber and Normalized Frequency
7.5 Types of Fiber
7.6 Comparison of Single-Mode and Multimode Index Fiber
7.7 Attenuation
7.8 Dispersion
7.9 Advantages of Optical Fiber Communication
7.10 Applications of Optical Fiber
7.11 Holography
Chapter 8 Crystal Structure
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Space Lattice or Crystal Lattice
8.3 Crystal Translational Vectors
8.4 Unit Cells
8.5 Lattice Parameters
8.6 Density of an Element in terms of Lattice Parameter or Lattice Constant
8.7 Seven Crystal Systems
8.8 Bravais Lattices
8.9 Atomic Radius
8.10 Co-Ordination Number and Nearest Neighbor Distance
8.11 Crystal Structure
8.12 Lattice Planes and Miller Indices
8.13 Reciprocal Lattices
8.14 Diffraction of X-Rays by Crystal
8.15 Compton Effect
Chapter 9 Dielectrics
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Dielectric Constant
9.3 Polar and Non-Polar Molecules
9.4 Dielectric Polarization
9.5 Types of Polarization
9.6 Displacement Vector
9.7 Relation between D, E and P
9.8 Relation between P and K
9.9 Relation between Electrical Susceptibility?be and K
9.10 Internal Fields in Liquids and Solids
9.11 Clausius−Mossotti Equation
9.12 Frequency Dependence of the Dielectric Constant
9.13 Dielectric Loss and Loss Tangent
9.14 Application of Dielectrics
9.15 Ferroelectricity
9.16 Piezoelectricity
Chapter 10 Magnetic Properties of Materials
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Magnetic Dipole Moment due to an Electron: Bohr Magneton
10.3 Classification of Materials
10.4 Langevin’s Theory of Diamagnetism
10.5 Hysteresis
10.6 Hysteresis Loss
10.7 Hysteresis Loss in B−H Curve
10.8 Hysteresis Loss in I−H Curve
10.9 Comparison between Soft Iron and Steel
10.10 Use of Hysteresis Curve
Chapter 11 Electromagnetics
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Displacement Current
11.3 Equation of Continuity
11.4 Modification of Ampere’s Law
11.5 Maxwell’s Equations
11.6 Maxwell’s Equation in Integral Form
11.7 Physical Significance of Maxwell’s Equations
11.8 Poynting Vector and Poynting Theorem
11.9 Plane Electromagnetic Waves in Free Space
11.10 Transverse Nature of Electromagnetic Waves
11.11 Characteristic Impedance
11.12 Electromagnetic Waves in Dielectric Medium
11.13 Electromagnetic Waves in Conducting Medium
11.14 Skin Depth
Chapter 12 Band Theory of Solids
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Characteristic Properties of Metals
12.3 Basic Terminologies in Electrical Conductivity
12.4 Electron Theory of Metals
12.5 Limitations of Drude–Lorentz Free Electron Theory
12.6 Quantum Free Electron Theory or Somerfield Theory
12.7 Types of Semiconductors
12.8 Band Theory of Solids
12.9 Formation of Energy Bands in Solids
12.10 Classification of Solids on Band Theory
12.11 Conductivity of Semiconductors
12.12 Density of States
12.13 Fermi−Dirac Distribution
12.14 Free Carrier Density or Concentration of Electrons in the Conduction Band
12.15 Free Carrier Density or Concentration of Holes in the Valence Band
12.16 Position of Fermi Level in Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductors
12.17 Effective Mass of an Electron
Chapter 13 Superconductivity
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Temperature Dependence of Resistivity in Superconductors
13.3 Critical Field
13.4 Critical Current and Current Density
13.5 Effect of Magnetic Field (Meissner Effect)
13.6 Type I and Type II Superconductor
13.7 BCS Theory
13.8 High-Temperature Superconductivity
13.9 Characteristics of Superconductors
13.10 Applications of Superconductors
Chapter 14 Nanotechnology
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Nanomaterials
14.3 Types of Nanomaterials
Short Answers of Some Important Questions
Important Points and Formulas
Multiple Choice Questions
Short Answer Type Questions
Long Answer Type Questions
Engineering Physics Practical
Model Test Paper 1
Model Test Paper 2