Physics, Vol 1, 5ed (An Indian Adaptation)
ISBN: 9789354640384
720 pages
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Physics by Resnick, Halliday and Krane, fifth edition, Volume 1, is a classic textbook that has over the past five decades, provided the standard for calculus-based university physics course for science and engineering students. The text strives to clarify conceptual development in light of recent findings of physics education research, without compromising on the level and the rigor of its content. This Indian adaptation of the fifth edition of Physics Volume 1 builds in the conceptual strength and subject treatment of the original to provide the best-suited text for Indian students.
Chapter 1 Measurement
1-1 Physical Quantities, Standards, and Units
1-2 The International System of Units
1-3 The Standard of Time
1-4 The Standard of Length
1-5 The Standard of Mass
1-6 Precision, Accuracy, and Significant Figures
1-7 Error Analysis
1-8 Dimensional Analysis and Its Applications
Chapter 2 Motion in One Dimension
2-1 Kinematics with Vectors
2-2 Properties of Vectors
2-3 Multiplication of Vectors
2-4 Position, Velocity, and Acceleration Vectors
2-5 One-Dimensional Kinematics
2-6 Motion with Constant Acceleration
2-7 Freely Falling Bodies
Chapter 3 Force and Newton’s Laws
3-1 Classical Mechanics
3-2 Newton’s First Law (Law of Inertia)
3-3 Force
3-4 Mass
3-5 Newton’s Second Law
3-6 Newton’s Third Law
3-7 Weight and Mass
3-8 Generalization of Newton’s Law for Variable Mass
3-9 Applications of Newton’s Laws in One Dimension
Chapter 4 Motion in Two and Three Dimensions
4-1 Motion in Two and Three Dimensions with Constant Acceleration
4-2 Newton’s Laws in Three-Dimensional Vector Form
4-3 Projectile Motion
4-4 Drag Forces and the Motion of Projectiles (Optional)
4-5 Circular Motion
4-6 Relative Motion
Chapter 5 Applications of Newton’s Laws
5-1 Force Laws and Types of Forces
5-2 Gravitational Force
5-3 Tension and Normal Forces
5-4 Frictional Forces
5-5 The Dynamics of Uniform Circular Motion
5-6 Time-Dependent Forces (Optional)
5-7 Noninertial Frames and Pseudoforces (Optional)
5-8 Limitations of Newton’s Laws (Optional)
Chapter 6 Momentum
6-1 Collisions
6-2 Linear Momentum
6-3 Impulse and Momentum
6-4 Conservation of Momentum
6-5 Two-Body Collisions
Chapter 7 Systems of Particles
7-1 The Motion of a Complex Object
7-2 Two-Particle Systems
7-3 Many-Particle Systems
7-4 Center of Mass of Solid Objects
7-5 Conservation of Momentum in a System of Particles
7-6 Systems of Variable Mass (Optional)
Chapter 8 Rotational Kinematics
8-1 Rotational Motion
8-2 The Rotational Variables
8-3 Rotational Quantities as Vectors
8-4 Rotation with Constant Angular Acceleration
8-5 Relationships Between Linear and Angular Variables
8-6 Vector Relationships Between Linear and Angular Variables (Optional)
Chapter 9 Rotational Dynamics
9-1 Torque
9-2 Rotational Inertia and Newton’s Second Law
9-3 Rotational Inertia of Solid Bodies
9-4 Torque Due to Gravity
9-5 Equilibrium of Rigid Body
9-6 Nonequilibrium Applications of Newton’s Laws for Rotation
9-7 Combined Rotational and Translational Motion
Chapter 10 Angular Momentum
10-1 Angular Momentum of a Particle
10-2 Systems of Particles
10-3 Angular Momentum and Angular Velocity
10-4 Conservation of Angular Momentum
10-5 The Spinning Top
10-6 Review of Rotational Dynamics
Chapter 11 Energy 1: Work and Kinetic Energy
11-1 Work and Energy
11-2 Work Done by a Constant Force
11-3 Power
11-4 Work Done by a Variable Force
11-5 Kinetic Energy and the Work–Energy Theorem
11-6 Work and Kinetic Energy in Rotational Motion
11-7 Kinetic Energy in Collisions
Chapter 12 Energy 2: Potential Energy
12-1 Conservative and Nonconservative Forces
12-2 Potential Energy
12-3 Conservation of Mechanical Energy
12-4 Energy Conservation in Rotational Motion
12-5 One-Dimensional Conservative Systems: The Complete Solution
12-6 Three-Dimensional Conservative Systems (Optional)
Chapter 13 Energy 3: Conservation of Energy
13-1 Work Done on a System by External Forces
13-2 Internal Energy in a System of Particles
13-3 Frictional Work
13-4 Conservation of Energy in a System of Particles
13-5 Center-of-Mass Energy
13-6 Reactions and Decays
13-7 Energy Transfer by Heat
Chapter 14 Gravitation
14-1 Origin of the Law of Gravitation
14-2 Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation
14-3 The Gravitational Constant G
14-4 Gravitation Near the Earth’s Surface
14-5 The Two Shell Theorems
14-6 Gravitational Potential Energy
14-7 The Motions of Planets and Satellites: Kepler’s Laws
14-8 The Gravitational Field (Optional)
14-9 Modern Developments in Gravitation (Optional)
14-10 Satellites
Chapter 15 Elasticity
15-1 Stress and Strain
15-2 Hooke’s Law
15-3 Elastic Moduli
15-4 Poisson’s Ratio
15-5 Potential Energy in a Stretched Wire
15-6 Applications of Elasticity
Chapter 16 Fluid Statics
16-1 Fluids and Solids
16-2 Pressure and Density
16-3 Variation of Pressure in a Fluid at Rest
16-4 Pascal’s Law
16-5 Buoyancy and Archimedes’ Principle
16-6 Measurement of Pressure: Gauges and Barometer
16-7 Surface Tension (Optional)
Chapter 17 Fluid Dynamics
17-1 General Concepts of Fluid Flow
17-2 Streamlines and the Equation of Continuity
17-3 Bernoulli’s Equation
17-4 Applications of Bernoulli’s Equation
17-5 Torricelli’s Theorem and Velocity of Efflux
17-6 Fields of Flow (Optional)
17-7 Viscosity, Poiseuille’s Equation, and Terminal Velocity
17-8 Turbulence and Chaotic Flow (Optional)
Chapter 18 Oscillations
18-1 Oscillating Systems
18-2 The Simple Harmonic Oscillator
18-3 Simple Harmonic Motion
18-4 Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion
18-5 Applications of Simple Harmonic Motion
18-6 Simple Harmonic Motion and Uniform Circular Motion
18-7 Damped Harmonic Motion
18-8 Forced Oscillations and Resonance of Mechanical and Electrical Systems
18-9 Two-Body Oscillations (Optional)
18-10 Lissajous’ Figures (Optional)
Chapter 19 Wave Motion
19-1 Mechanical Waves
19-2 Types of Waves
19-3 Traveling Waves
19-4 Wave Speed on a Stretched String
19-5 The Wave Equation (Optional)
19-6 Energy in Wave Motion
19-7 The Principle of Superposition
19-8 Interference of Waves
19-9 Standing Waves
19-10 Standing Waves and Resonance
Chapter 20 Sound Waves
20-1 Properties of Sound Waves
20-2 Traveling Sound Waves
20-3 The Speed of Sound
20-4 Power and Intensity of Sound Waves
20-5 Interference of Sound Waves
20-6 Standing Longitudinal Waves
20-7 Vibrating Systems and Sources of Sound
20-8 Beats
20-9 The Doppler Effect
Chapter 21 The Special Theory of Relativity
21-1 Troubles with Classical Physics
21-2 The Postulates of Special Relativity
21-3 Consequences of Einstein’s Postulates
21-4 The Lorentz Transformation
21-5 Measuring the Space–Time Coordinates of an Event
21-6 The Transformation of Velocities
21-7 Consequences of the Lorentz Transformation
21-8 Relativistic Momentum
21-9 Relativistic Energy
21-10 The Common Sense of Special Relativity
Chapter 22 Temperature and Heat
22-1 Thermal Equilibrium: Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics
22-2 Temperature Scales
22-3 Measuring Temperatures
22-4 Thermal Expansion
22-5 The Ideal Gas
Chapter 23 Molecular Properties of Gases
23-1 The Atomic Nature of Matter
23-2 A Molecular View of Pressure
23-3 The Mean Free Path
23-4 The Distribution of Molecular Speeds
23-5 The Distribution of Molecular Energies
23-6 Equations of State for Real Gases
23-7 The Intermolecular Forces (Optional)
Chapter 24 The First Law of Thermodynamics
24-1 Heat: Energy in Transit
24-2 The Transfer of Heat
24-3 The First Law of Thermodynamics
24-4 Heat Capacity and Specific Heat
24-5 Work Done on or by an Ideal Gas
24-6 The Internal Energy of an Ideal Gas
24-7 Heat Capacities of an Ideal Gas
24-8 Applications of the First Law of Thermodynamics
Chapter 25 Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics
25-1 One-Way Processes
25-2 Defining Entropy Change
25-3 Entropy and Its Physical Significance
25-4 The Second Law of Thermodynamics
25-5 Performance of Engines
25-6 Performance of Refrigerators
25-7 The Efficiencies of Real Engines
25-8 Third Law of Thermodynamics (Optional)
25-9 The Second Law Revisited
25-10 A Statistical View of Entropy
A. The International System of Units (SI)
B. Fundamental Physical Constants
C. Astronomical Data
D. Properties of the Elements
E. Periodic Table of the Elements
F. Elementary Particles
G. Conversion Factors
H. Vectors
I. Mathematical Formulas
J. Nobel Prizes in Physics
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