.NET 4.5 Programming 6-in-1, Black Book

Kogent Learning Solutions Inc.

ISBN: 9789350045107

1428 pages

eBook also available for institutional users 

INR 1099


.NET 4.5 Programming Black Book is the one-time reference book, written from the programmer’s point of view, containing hundreds of examples covering every aspect of .NET 4.5 programming. It will help you master the entire spectrum of the .NET Framework 4.5 and Visual Studio 2012, from .NET Framework 4.5 basics to the details of Visual Studio 2012. In C# 2012, from C# language reference to OOPS from delegates and events to exception handling from ADO.NET to working with LINQ from Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) basics to Documents in WPF from assemblies to Windows Workflow Foundation (WF),and much more.


· Chapter 1: Getting started with .NET Framework 4.5

· Chapter 2: Introducing Visual Studio 2012

· Chapter 3: Introducing C# 5.0 in VS 2012

· Chapter 4: Namespaces, Classes, Objects and Struts

· Chapter 5: Object-Oriented Programming

· Chapter 6: Pointers, Delegates and Events

· Chapter 7: Flow Control and Exception Handling

· Chapter 8: Introducing Windows Presentation Foundation

· Chapter 9: Working with WPF 4.5 Controls, Resources, Styles, Templates and Commands

· Chapter 10: Working with Typography and Documents in WPF

· Chapter 11: .NET and SQL Server

· Chapter 12: Data Access with ADO.NET

· Chapter 13: Working with LINQ

· Chapter 14: Collections and Generics

· Chapter 15: Threading

· Chapter 16: Working with Assemblies

· Chapter 17: Working with Windows Workflow Foundation

· Chapter 18: ASP.NET 4.5 Essentials

· Chapter 19: Developing a Web Application

· Chapter 20: Application Structure and State

· Chapter 21: Web Forms: Standard Controls

· Chapter 22: Navigation Controls: Tree View, Menu and Site Map Path

· Chapter 23: Validation Controls

· Chapter 24: Introducing Web Parts Controls

· Chapter 25: Working with Database Controls

· Chapter 26: Inside Master Pages and Themes

· Chapter 27: Caching in ASP.NET 4.5

· Chapter 28: Managing Web Applications

· Chapter 29: Working with Login Controls

· Chapter 30: Working with User Profiles

· Chapter 31: ASP.NET Web Services

· Chapter 32: Introducing F# 3.0

· Chapter 33: .NET Remoting

· Chapter 34: Deploying Windows and Web Applications


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