SPSS in Simple Steps

Kiran Pandya, Smruti Bulsari, Sanjay Sinha

ISBN: 9789350042519

200 pages

eBook also available for institutional users 

INR 499


SPSS in Simple Steps is very useful for all students, researchers and faculty members who need to analyze quantitative data in their research work. The objective of the book is to help the students and researchers to undertake statistical analysis using PASW / SPSS software package. It is designed to be read in front of the computer screen. The book commences with an introduction to the PASW / SPSS software and provides a step-by-step approach for explaining procedures and executing PASW / SPSS commands. It provides a clear understanding of commands, procedures and functions required for carrying out statistical analysis. The book covers basic and essential features of PASW/SPSS.


Overview of PASW Statistics

Introduction to PASW

1.2 Menus

1.3 Tool Bar

1.4 Dialogue Box

1.5 Designate Window

1.6 Basic Steps for performing any Statistical Procedure


Data Management

2.1 Creating a Data File

2.2 Defining Variables

2.3 Entering the Data

2.4 Saving Data

2.5 Opening an existing Data File

2.6 Inserting Variables

2.7 Inserting Cases

2.8 Identifying Duplicate Cases

2.9 Identifying Unusual Cases

2.10 Sorting Cases

2.11 Merging a File

2.11.1 Add Cases

2.11.2 For Adding Variables

2.12 Data Aggregation

2.13 Splitting File

2.14 Selecting Cases

2.15 Listing Cases


Data Transformation

3.1 Computing a New Variable

3.2 Recoding Variables

3.3 Automatic Recode

3.4 Visual Binning

3.5. Rank Cases


Describing Data Numerically

4.1 Types of Measurement Scales

4.2 Summary Measures

4.2.1 Frequencies

4.2.2 Descriptive Statistics

4.2.3 Explore

4.2.4 Crosstabs


Describing Data Graphically

5.1 Line Chart

5.2 Pie Chart

5.3 Bar Chart

5.4 Histogram and the Standard Normal Curve

5.5 Box Plot

5.6 Scatter Diagram

5.7 P?P Plot

5.8 Q?Q Plot

5.9 Chart Builder

5.10 Formatting Charts


One Sample t?Test

6.1 Hypothesis Testing

6.1.1 Steps in Hypothesis Testing

6.1.2 Assumptions of Hypothesis Testing

6.2 Testing for Population Mean

6.3 Statistical and Practical Significance


Independent Sample t?Test

7.1 Assumptions of Independent Sample t?Test

7.2 Procedure for Testing for Differences in Means between Groups

7.3 Interpretation of Null Results

7.4 Effect Size


Paired Samples t?Test

8.1 Assumptions of Paired Samples t?Test

8.2 Procedure for Paired Sample t?test



9.1 Assumptions of One?Way ANOVA

9.2 Procedure for Testing for Differences in Means between Groups

9.3 Post Hoc Analysis

9.4 Procedure for undertaking Post Hoc Analysis

9.5 Measure of Association


One?Way Repeated Measures ANOVA

10.1 Assumptions of One?Way Repeated Measures ANOVA

10.2 Procedure for Undertaking One?Way Repeated Measures ANOVA



11.1 Assumptions of two?way ANOVA

11.2 Procedure for Undertaking Two?Way ANOVA



12.1 Assumptions of Correlations

12.2 Procedure for Undertaking Correlations

12.2.1 Bivariate Correlations

12.2.2 Rank Correlations

12.2.2 Partial Correlations


Multiple Regression

13.1 Assumptions of Linear Regression

13.2 Procedure for undertaking Linear Regression


Nonparametric Statistics

14.1 Runs Test

14.2 Chi?Square Test

14.3 Mann?Whitney U Test

14.4 Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test

14.5 Kruskal?Wallis Test


Logistic Regression


Reliability Analysis


Factor Analysis

17.1 Principal Components Method

17.2 Necessary Conditions for Undertaking Principal Component Analysis

17.3 Procedure for Undertaking Principal Component Analysis



Appendix-A Dataset for students.sav



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