Marketing Research

Aaker, Kumar, Leone, Day, Gopal Das

ISBN: 9788126577125

632 pages

eBook also available for institutional users 

INR 1119


The 11th Edition of Marketing Research (by Aaker et al.) has been adapted to Indian perspective without much dilution of its global flavor. Keeping in mind the learning requirements of Indian students in the field of market research, this textbook has been developed by modifying contents at required places. This book, while maintaining the strengths of the original version, reflects the modern realities of marketing research. Real-life scenarios included in the Indian adaptation of Marketing Research would help readers in cognitive analysis, invoke thoughtful insights in the areas of market intelligence, business decisions, and actions. In this edition, readers are expected to learn, explore, and analyze various dimensions of marketing research.


Part I The Nature And Scope Of Marketing Research

Chapter 1 A Decision-Making Perspective on Marketing Intelligence

An Overview of Business Intelligence

Introduction to Marketing Intelligence

Marketing Research

Role of Marketing Research in Managerial Decision Making

Factors that Influence Marketing Research Decisions

Use of Marketing Research

Ethics in Marketing Research

The Respondent’s Ethics and Rights

International Marketing Research

Chapter 2 Marketing Research in Practice

Learning Objectives

Information Systems, Decision Support Systems, and Marketing Research

Marketing Decision Support Systems

Suppliers of Information

Criteria for Selecting External Suppliers

The International Marketing Research Industry

Career Opportunities in Marketing Research

Chapter 3 The Marketing Research Process

Overview of the Marketing Research Process

The Preliminary Stages of the Marketing Research Process

Planning a New HMO

The International Marketing Research Process

Chapter 4 Research Design and Implementation

Research Approach

Research Tactics and Implementation

Budgeting and Scheduling the Research Project

Research Proposal

Designing International Marketing Research

Issues in International Research Design

Ethical Considerations in Research

Cultural Considerations in International Marketing Research

Part II Data Collection

Section A: Secondary And Exploratory Research

Chapter 5 Secondary Sources of Marketing Data

Secondary Data

Uses of Secondary Data

Benefits of Secondary Data

Sources of Secondary Data for International Marketing Research

Problems Associated with Secondary Data in International Research

Applications of Secondary Data in International Research

Chapter 6 Standardized Sources of Marketing Data

Retail Store Audits

Consumer Purchase Panels

Scanner Services and Single-Source Systems

Media-Related Standardized Sources

Applications of Standardized Sources of Data

Chapter 7 Marketing Research on the Internet

Current Trends in Web Usage

WWW Information for Marketing Decisions

The Internet and Marketing Research Today

The Internet and Marketing Research Developments

Issues and Concerns

Chapter 8 Information Collection: Qualitative and Observational Methods

Need for Qualitative Research

Qualitative Research Methods

Observational Methods

Recent Applications of Qualitative and Observational Methods

Section B: Descriptive Research

Chapter 9 Information from Respondents: Issues in Data Collection

Information from Surveys

Sources of Survey Error

Methods of Data Collection

Factors Affecting the Choice of a Survey Method

Ethical Issues in Data Collection

Chapter 10 Information from Respondents: Survey Methods

Collecting Data

Surveys in the International Context

Chapter 11 Attitude Measurement

What are Attitudes?

The Concept of Measurement and Scaling

Types of Attitude Rating Scales

General Guidelines for Developing a Multiple-Item Scale

Interpreting Attitude Scales

Choosing an Attitudinal Scale

Accuracy of Attitude Measurements

Scales in Cross-National Research

Chapter 12 Designing the Questionnaire

Planning What to Measure

Formatting the Question

Question Wording: A Problem of Communication

Sequence and Layout Decisions

Questionnaire Design for International Research


Section C: Casual Research

Chapter 13 Experimentation

Descriptive versus Experimental Research

What Constitutes Causality?

Laboratory and Field Experiments

Threats to Experimental Validity

Issues in Experimental Research

Types of Experimental Designs

Guidelines for Conducting Experimental Research

Limitations of Experiments

Section D: Sampling

Chapter 14 Sampling Fundamentals

Sample or Census

Sampling Process

Probability Sampling

Nonprobability Sampling

Chapter 15 Sample Size and Statistical Theory

Determining the Sample Size: Ad Hoc Methods

Population Characteristics/Parameters

Sample Characteristics/Statistics

Sample Reliability

Interval Estimation

Sample Size Question


Coefficient of Variation

Stratified Sampling

Multistage Design

Sequential Sampling

Part III Data Analysis

Chapter 16 Fundamentals of Data Analysis

Preparing the Data for Analysis

Strategy for Data Analysis


Factors Influencing the Choice of Statistical Technique

An Overview of Statistical Techniques

Chapter 17 Hypothesis Testing: Basic Concepts and Tests of Associations

The Logic of Hypothesis Testing

Steps in Hypothesis Testing

Basic Concepts of Hypothesis Testing

Cross-Tabulation and Chi-Square

Chapter 18 Hypothesis Testing: Means and Proportions

Commonly Used Hypothesis Tests in Marketing Research

Relationship between Confidence Interval and Hypothesis Testing

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

The Probability-Values (p-Values) Approach to Hypothesis Testing

Effect of Sample Size and Interpretation of Test Results


Part IV Special Topics In Data Analysis

Chapter 19 Correlation Analysis and Regression Analysis

Correlation Analysis

Regression Analysis


Chapter 20 Discriminant, Factor, and Cluster Analysis

Discriminant Analysis

Multiple Discriminant Analysis

Summary of Discriminant Analysis

Factor and Cluster Analysis

Factor Analysis

Summary of Factor Analysis

Cluster Analysis


Chapter 21 Multidimensional Scaling and Conjoint Analysis

Multidimensional Scaling

Attribute-Based Approaches

Summary of MDS

Conjoint Analysis


Chapter 22 Structural Equation Modeling

Structural Equation Modeling

Basic Terminologies

Assumptions in SEM

Basic Procedure



Chapter 23 Presenting the Results

Guidelines for Successful Presentations

Written Report

Oral Presentation

Relationship with the Client


Part V Applications Of Marketing Intelligence

Chapter 24 Marketing-Mix Measures

New-Product Research

Pricing Research

Distribution Research

Promotion Research

Total Quality Management

Information Requirements for Total Quality Management


Chapter 25 Brand and Customer Metrics

Competitive Advantage

Brand Equity

Customer Satisfaction

Customer Satisfaction Measurement Process

Contemporary Applications of Marketing Intelligence

Maximizing Customer Profitability

Chapter 26 New Age Strategies and Marketing Research in Rural Markets

Database Marketing


Mobile Marketing

Social Marketing

Experiential Marketing

Relationship Marketing

Recent Developments in Relationship Marketing

Word-of-Mouth Marketing

Customer Intelligence

Understanding Rural Markets

Conducting Marketing Research in Rural Markets

Considerations in Rural Research

Practices Followed in Conducting Rural Research



Questions and Problems

End Notes


End Notes for Appendix

Appendix: Tables

A-1. Standard Normal, Cumulative Probability in Right- Hand Tail for Positive Values of z; Areas are Formed by Symmetry

A-2. c2 Critical Points

A-3. F Critical Points

A-4. t Cut-off Points for the Student’s t-Distribution

A-5. Procedures for Conducting Univariate and Multivariate Analysis in SPSS

A-6. Output of Select Tables in SPSS






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