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Wiley's ExamXpert BBA Entrance Exams, 2ed

Wiley Editorial

ISBN: 9788126552368

516 pages

INR 479

For more information write to us at: acadmktg@wiley.com


Wiley’s ExamXpert BBA Entrance Exams guide is a comprehensive and structured approach to understanding the fundamental concepts assessed in the various BBA entrance exams such as DU JAT, IPU CET, NPAT, SET, UGAT and others. The book covers syllabus for entrance exams of BBA, BBM and BBS and provides ample practice in the form of fully solved past years’ papers with detailed answer explanations and analysis along with exhaustive model test papers based on previous years’ papers for additional practice.

Section 1: Introduction

Chapter 1: About BBA Examinations

Section 2: English Language

Chapter 2: English Language Ready Reckoner

Chapter 3: English Language Practice Tests

Section 3: Quantitative Aptitude

Chapter 4: Quantitative Aptitude Ready Reckoner

Chapter 5: Quantitative Aptitude Practice Tests

Section 4: Analytical And Logical Reasoning

Chapter 6: Analytical and Logical Reasoning Ready Reckoner

Chapter 7: Analytical and Logical Reasoning Practice Tests

Section 5: General Awareness, Business Awareness And Management Aptitude

Chapter 8: General Awareness, Business Awareness and Management Aptitude Ready Reckoner

Section 6: Mock Tests

Chapter 9: Mock Test 1: Based on IPU CET

Chapter 10: Mock Test 2: Based on DU JAT

Chapter 11: Mock Test 3: Based on SET

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