Wiley's ExamXpert Acing WAT, GDs & Interviews for IIMs

Abhishek (Andy) Anand, Pradeep (Shastry) Vedula

ISBN: 9788126576630

256 pages

eBook also available for institutional users 

INR 279


This book is designed to help candidates achieve mastery in the three critical sections of a B-school selection process: Written Assessment Test (WAT), Group Discussion (GD), and Personal Interview (PI).  While WAT/AWT and GD can be prepared for and mastered over a relatively short period of time, preparation for the personal interview is a longer process. Hence, that is the area we have dedicated significant amount of space to in this book. In the Written Assessment Test (WAT) and Academic Writing Test (AWT) section, we talk about the reason B-Schools have started to include this section quite regularly in recent times in their evaluation process. We touch upon the key skills that are tested in this section, and the various question types. We follow that up with the recommended approach to tackle each type of WAT question and end with a sample WAT essay constructed bit by bit using the recommended approach.


About the Book

One Free Mock Interview with the Author of the Book*

Words, and words are all I have…

Chapter 1. Written Ability Test and Academic Writing Test

What is this Section all About?

Why do B-schools have the WAT Section?

What are the Key Skills Required to do Well in WAT? And how does one go about Building These Skills?

What are the Different Kinds of WAT Questions?

Chapter 2. WAT Practice Questions


How to Practice WAT Questions Effectively?

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Whole better than the sum

Chapter 3. Group Discussion


What is a Group Discussion? How is it Structured?

What Skills are Tested in a GD?

How should one Prepare for GD?

How to Brainstorm for Ideas in a GD?

What are the Different Types of Topics in GDs?

General Points for any GD

But first… Know thyself

Chapter 4. Who am I?


STUD-DUD Continuum




4. DUD

Chapter 5. The Sales Pitch

What is an Interview?

The Sales Pitch

How to Make a Successful Sales Pitch – the Raft and the Rower!

Chapter 6. Building the Raft


The Big 5

1. Academic Consistency

2. Position of Responsibility

3. Extra-Curricular Activities

4. Internships

5. Hobbies

Sample Curriculum Vitae


A Friend Like Me

How does one do that?

Chapter 7. The Master Rower


The 7-Sided Star

The Heart of the Star

Create the Dump List

Choose the Best and Choose Across

Double Litmus Test

Sequence of Events

Some Don’ts

Some Do’s

1. Academics

2. Internship/Work Experience/Projects

Some Do’s

Some Don’ts

3. Extracurricular Activities

4. Current Affairs

5. Profile Weaknesses

6. Strengths and Weaknesses

7. Hobbies

CV of a Friend Like Me

Interview Transcript

Chapter 8. The Mother of all Interview Questions 155

Why MBA?

Dressing up for the Big Day

Body Language in the Interview

Chapter 9. Discussion with the Panelists 159

Discussion 1

Interview Transcript

Discussion 2

Interview Transcript

Discussion 3

Interview Transcript

Discussion 4

Interview Transcript

Chapter 10. Interview Transcripts of Students Who Made it to Top B-Schools 187

Interview Transcript 1

Interview Transcript 2

Interview Transcript 3

Interview Transcript 4

Interview Transcript 5

Interview Transcript 6

Interview Transcript 7

Interview Transcript 8

Interview Transcript 9

Interview Transcript 10

Interview Transcript 11

Interview Transcript 12

Interview Transcript 13

Interview Transcript 14     


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