Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Research and Practice

Paul E. Spector

ISBN: 9788126558599

464 pages

INR 779


Unlike any other book of its kind, Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Research and Practice provides an extensive and clear overview of the field, without overwhelming today’s I/O Psychology student.  Author Paul Spector provides readers with (1) cutting edge content and includes new and emerging topics, such as occupational health and safety and (2) a global perspective of the field. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Research and Practice, 6th Edition is available in alternate versions (eBooks and custom) for professors and students.


Part I: Introduction.


Chapter 1: Introduction.


Chapter 2: Research Methods in I/O Psychology.

  • Research Questions.
  • Important Research Design Concepts.
  • Variables.
  • Research Setting.
  • Generalizability.
  • Control.
  • Random Assignment and Random Selection.
  • Confounding.
  • Research Designs.
  • The Experiment.
  • Survey Designs.
  • Observational Designs.
  • Measurement.
  • Classical Measurement Theory.
  • Reliability.
  • Validity.
  • Statistics.
  • Descriptive Statistics.
  • Inferential Statistics.
  • Meta-Analysis.
  • Mediator and Moderator Variables.
  • Ethics of Research.
  • Chapter Summary.
  • Learning by Doing.


Part II: Assessment of Jobs, Performance and People.

Chapter 3: Job Analysis.

  • What Is Job Analysis?
  • The Job-Oriented Approach.
  • The Person-Oriented Approach.
  • Purposes of Job Analysis.
  • Career Development and Vocational Counseling.
  • Legal Issues.
  • Performance Appraisal.
  • Selection.
  • Training.
  • Research.
  • Vocational Counseling.
  • How Job Analysis Information Is Collected.
  • Who Provides the Information?
  • Approaches to Collecting Job Analysis Information.
  • Methods of Job Analysis.
  • Job Components Inventory.
  • Functional Job Analysis.
  • Position Analysis Questionnaire.
  • Task Inventories.
  • Choosing a Job Analysis Method.
  • Job Analysis Methods For Work Teams.
  • Reliability and Validity of Job Analysis Information.
  • Reliability.
  • Validity.
  • Job Evaluation.
  • Comparable Worth.
  • Chapter Summary.
  • I/O Psychology in Practice.
  • Learning by Doing.


Chapter 4: Performance Appraisal.

  • Why Do We Appraise Employees?
  • Administrative Decisions.
  • Employee Development and Feedback.
  • Criteria for Research.
  • Performance Criteria.
  • Characteristics of Criteria.
  • Criterion Complexity.
  • Dynamic Criteria.
  • Contextual Performance.
  • Methods for Assessing Job Performance.
  • Objective Measures of Job Performance.
  • Subjective Measures of Job Performance.
  • The Impact of Technology on Performance Appraisal.
  • Legal Issues in Performance Appraisal.
  • Chapter Summary.
  • I/O Psychology in Practice.


Chapter 5: Assessment Methods for Selection and Placement.

  • Job-Related Characteristics.
  • Psychological Tests.
  • Characteristics of Tests.
  • Ability Tests.
  • Knowledge and Skill Tests.
  • Personality Tests.
  • Emotional Intelligence Tests.
  • Integrity Tests.
  • Vocational Interest Tests.
  • Drug Testing.
  • Biographical Information.
  • Interviews.
  • Work Samples.
  • Assessment Centers.
  • Electronic Assessment.
  • Electronic Administration of Psychological Tests.
  • Computer Adaptive Testing.
  • Chapter Summary.
  • I/O Psychology in Practice.
  • Learning by Doing.


Part III: Selecting and Training Employees.

Chapter 6: Selecting Employees.

  • The Planning of Human Resource Needs.
  • Recruiting Applicants.
  • Selecting Employees.
  • How Do Organizations Select Employees?
  • Conducting a Validation Study.
  • Validity Generalization.
  • How Predictor Information Is Used for Selection.
  • Getting Applicants to Accept and Keep Job Offers.
  • The Utility of Scientific Selection.
  • How Valid Selection Devices Work.
  • Computing the Utility of Scientific Selection.
  • International Differences in Selection Practices.
  • Legal Issues.
  • Legal Selection in the United States.
  • Legal Selection outside the United States.
  • Chapter Summary.
  • I/O Psychology in Practice.
  • Learning by Doing.


Chapter 7: Training.

  • Needs Assessment.
  • Objectives.
  • Training Design.
  • Trainee Characteristics.
  • Design Factors That Affect Transfer of Training.
  • Work Environment.
  • Training Methods.
  • Delivery of a Training Program.
  • Evaluation of a Training Program.
  • Set Criteria.
  • Choose Design.
  • Choose Measures of the Criteria.
  • Collect Data.
  • Analyze and Interpret Data.
  • Chapter Summary.
  • I/O Psychology in Practice.
  • Learning by Doing.


Part IV: The Individual and The Organization.

Chapter 8: Theories of Employee Motivation.

  • What Is Motivation?
  • Work Motivation Theories.
  • Need Theories.
  • Need Hierarchy Theory.
  • Two-Factor Theory.
  • Reinforcement Theory.
  • Expectancy Theory.
  • Self-Efficacy Theory.
  • Justice Theories.
  • Goal-Setting Theory.
  • Control Theory.
  • Action Theory.
  • Chapter Summary.
  • I/O Psychology in Practice.
  • Learning by Doing.


Chapter 9: Feelings About Work: Job Attitudes and Emotions.

  • The Nature of Job Satisfaction.
  • How People Feel About Their Jobs.
  • The Assessment of Job Satisfaction.
  • Job Descriptive Index (JDI).
  • Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ).
  • Job in General Scale (JIG).
  • Is Global Satisfaction the Sum of Facets?
  • Antecedents of Job Satisfaction.
  • Environmental Antecedents of Job Satisfaction.
  • Personal Antecedents of Job Satisfaction.
  • Person-Job Fit.
  • Potential Effects of Job Satisfaction.
  • Organizational Commitment.
  • Assessment of Organizational Commitment.
  • Organizational Commitment and Other Variables.
  • Emotions at Work.
  • Chapter Summary.
  • I/O Psychology in Practice.
  • Learning by Doing.


Chapter 10: Productive and Counterproductive Employee Behavior.

  • Productive Behavior: Task Performance.
  • Ability and Performance.
  • Motivation and Performance.
  • Personal Characteristics and Performance.
  • Environmental Conditions and Task Performance.
  • Organizational Constraints.
  • Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB).
  • Counterproductive Work Behavior: Withdrawal.
  • Absence.
  • Lateness.
  • Turnover.
  • Counterproductive Work Behavior: Aggression, Sabotage and Theft.
  • Labor Unrest and Strikes.
  • Chapter Summary.
  • I/O Psychology in Practice.
  • Learning by Doing.


Chapter 11: Occupational Health Psychology.

  • Occupational Health and Safety.
  • Accidents and Safety.
  • Infectious Disease.
  • Loud Noise.
  • Musculo-Skeletal Disorders (MSD).
  • Harmful Substance Exposure.
  • Workplace Violence.
  • Work Schedules.
  • Night Shifts.
  • Long Shifts.
  • Flexible Work Schedules.
  • Occupational Stress.
  • The Occupational Stress Process.
  • Job Stressors.
  • Work-Family Conflict.
  • Burnout.
  • Chapter Summary.
  • I/O Psychology in Practice.
  • Learning by Doing.


Part V: The Social Context of Work.

Chapter 12: Work Groups and Work Teams.

  • Work Groups Versus Work Teams.
  • Virtual Teams.
  • Important Group Concepts.
  • Roles.
  • Norms.
  • Group Cohesiveness.
  • Process Loss.
  • Team Commitment.
  • Team Mental Model.
  • Group and Team Performance.
  • Performance in the Presence of Others.
  • Group Versus Individual Performance on Additive Tasks.
  • Brainstorming.
  • Group Problem Solving.
  • Group Decision Making.
  • Team Innovation.
  • Team KSAOs.
  • Group Diversity.
  • Interventions with Work Groups in Organizations.
  • Autonomous Work Groups.
  • Quality Circles.
  • Team Building.
  • Chapter Summary.
  • I/O Psychology in Practice.


Chapter 13: Leadership and Power in Organizations.

  • What is Leadership?
  • Sources of Influence and Power.
  • French and Raven's (1959) Bases of Power.
  • Yuk's (1989) Sources of Political Power.
  • Political Skill.
  • Abuse of Supervisory Power: Sexual and Ethnic Harassment.
  • Approaches to the Understanding of Leadership.
  • The Trait Approach.
  • The Leader Behavior Approach.
  • Fiedler's Contingency Theory.
  • Path-Goal Theory.
  • Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory.
  • Transformational Leadership Theory.
  • Vroom-Yetton Model.
  • Women in Leadership Positions.
  • Gender and Leadership Style.
  • Cross-Cultural Issues in Leadership.
  • Chapter Summary.
  • I/O Psychology in Practice.
  • Learning by Doing.


Chapter 14: Organizational Development and Theory.

  • Organizational Development.
  • Employee Acceptance of Change.
  • Management by Objectives.
  • Survey Feedback.
  • Team Building.
  • T-Group.
  • Effectiveness of OD.
  • Organizational Theories.
  • Bureaucracy.
  • Theory X/Theory Y.
  • Open System Theory.
  • Sociotechnical Systems Theory.
  • Comparison of the Theories.
  • Chapter Summary.
  • I/O Psychology in Practice.
  • Learning by Doing.





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Subject Index.

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