Microsoft Power BI For Dummies

Jack A. Hyman

ISBN: 9789354645778

INR 899


In Microsoft Power BI For Dummies, expert lecturer, consultant, and author Jack Hyman delivers a start-to-finish guide to applying the Power BI platform to your own firm’s data. You’ll discover how to start exploring your data sources, build data models, visualize your results, and create compelling reports that motivate decisive action. 


About This Book

Foolish Assumptions

Icons Used in This Book

Beyond the Book


Part 1: Put Your BI Thinking Caps On 

Chapter 1: A Crash Course in Data Analytics Terms: Power BI Style 

  • What Is Data, Really?
  • Working with structured data
  • Looking at unstructured data
  • Adding semistructured data to the mix
  • Looking Under the Power BI Hood
  • Posing questions with Power Query
  • Modeling with Power Pivot
  • Visualizing with Power View
  • Mapping data with Power Map
  • Interpreting data with Power Q&A
  • Power BI Desktop
  • Power BI Services
  • Knowing Your Power BI Terminology
  • Capacities
  • Workspaces
  • Reports
  • Dashboards
  • Navigation pane
  • Business Intelligence (BI): The Definition


Chapter 2: The Who, How, and What of Power BI 

  • Highlighting the Who of Power BI
  • Business analyst
  • Data analyst
  • Data engineer
  • Data scientist
  • Database administrator
  • Understanding How Data Comes to Life
  • Prepare
  • Model
  • Visualize
  • Analyze
  • Manage
  • Examining the Various Types of Data Analytics
  • Taking a Look at the Big Picture


Chapter 3: Oh, the Choices: Power BI Versions 

  • Why Power BI versus Excel?
  • Power BI Products in a Nutshell
  • Introducing the Power BI license options
  • Looking at Desktop versus Services options
  • Stacking Power BI Desktop against Power BI Free
  • Examining the Details of the Licensing Options
  • Seeing how content and collaboration drive licensing
  • Starting with Power BI Desktop
  • Adding a Power BI Free license
  • Upgrading to a Power BI Pro license
  • Going all in with a Power BI Premium license
  • On the Road with Power BI Mobile
  • Working with Power BI Report Server
  • Linking Power BI and Azure


Chapter 4: Power BI: The Highlights 

  • Power BI Desktop: A Top-Down View
  • Ingesting Data
  • Files or databases?
  • Building data models
  • Analyzing data
  • Creating and publishing items
  • Services: Far and Wide
  • Viewing and editing reports
  • Working with dashboards
  • Collaborating inside Power BI Services
  • Refreshing data


Part 2: It’s Time to Have a Data Party 

Chapter 5: Preparing Data Sources 

  • Getting Data from the Source
  • Managing Data Source Settings
  • Working with Shared versus Local Datasets
  • Storage Modes
  • Dual mode
  • Considering the Query
  • Addressing and correcting performance
  • Diagnosing queries
  • Exporting Power BI Desktop Files and Leveraging XMLA


Chapter 6: Getting Data from Dynamic Sources 

  • Getting Data from Microsoft-Based File Systems
  • Working with Relational Data Sources
  • Importing data from a relational data source
  • The good ol’ SQL query
  • Importing Data from a Nonrelational Data Source
  • Importing JSON File Data into Power BI
  • Importing Data from Online Sources
  • Creating Data Source Combos
  • Connecting and importing data from Azure Analysis Services
  • Accessing data with Connect Live
  • Dealing with Modes for Dynamic Data
  • Fixing Data Import Errors
  • “Time-out expired”
  • “The data format is not valid”
  • “Uh-oh — missing data files”
  • “Transformation isn’t always perfect”


Chapter 7: Cleansing, Transforming, and Loading Your Data 

  • Engaging Your Detective Skills to Hunt Down Anomalies and Inconsistencies
  • Checking those data structures and column properties
  • Finding a little help from data statistics
  • Stepping through the Data Lifecycle
  • Resolving inconsistencies
  • Evaluating and Transforming Column Data Types
  • Finding and creating appropriate keys for joins
  • Shaping your column data to meet Power Query requirements
  • Combining queries
  • Tweaking Power Query’s M Code
  • Configuring Queries for Data Loading
  • Resolving Errors During Data Import


Part 3: The Art and Science of Power Bi 

Chapter 8: Crafting the Data Model 

  • An Introduction to Data Models
  • Working with data schemas
  • Storing values with measures
  • Working with dimensions and fact tables (yet again)
  • Flattening hierarchies
  • Dealing with Table and Column Properties
  • Managing Cardinality and Direction
  • Cardinality
  • Cross-filter direction
  • Data Granularity


Chapter 9: Designing and Deploying Data Models 

  • Creating a Data Model Masterpiece
  • Working with Data view and Modeling view
  • Importing queries
  • Defining data types
  • Handling formatting and data type properties
  • Managing tables
  • Adding and modifying data to imported, Direct Query, and composite models
  • Managing Relationships
  • Creating automatic relationships
  • Creating manual relationships
  • Deleting relationships
  • Classifying and codifying data in tables
  • Arranging Data
  • Sorting by and grouping by
  • Hiding data
  • Working with Extended Data Models
  • Knowing the calculation types
  • Working with column contents and joins
  • Publishing Data Models


Chapter 10: Perfecting the Data Model 

  • Matching Queries with Capacity
  • Deleting unnecessary columns and rows
  • Swapping numeric columns with measures and variables
  • Reducing cardinality
  • Reducing queries
  • Converting to a composite model
  • Creating and managing aggregations


Chapter 11: Visualizing Data 

  • Looking at Report Fundamentals and Visualizations
  • Creating visualizations
  • Choosing a visualization
  • Filtering data
  • Working with Bar charts and Column charts
  • Using basic Line charts and Area charts
  • Combining Line charts and Bar charts
  • Working with Ribbon charts
  • Going with the flow with Waterfall charts
  • Funneling with Funnel charts
  • Scattering with Scatter charts
  • Salivating with Pie charts and Donut charts
  • Branching out with treemaps
  • Mapping with maps
  • Indicating with indicators
  • Dealing with Table-Based and Complex Visualizations
  • Slicing with slicers
  • Tabling with table visualizations
  • Combing through data with matrices
  • Decomposing with decomposition trees
  • Zooming in on key influencers
  • Dabbling in Data Science
  • Questions and Answers


Chapter 12: Pumping Out Reports 

  • Formatting and Configuring Report Visualizations
  • Working with basic visualization configurations
  • Applying conditional formatting
  • Filtering and Sorting
  • Configuring the Report Page
  • Refreshing Data
  • Working with reports
  • Finding migrated data
  • Exporting reports
  • Perfecting reports for distribution


Chapter 13: Diving into Dashboarding 

  • Configuring Dashboards
  • Creating a New Dashboard
  • Enriching Your Dashboard with Content
  • Pinning Reports
  • Customizing with Themes
  • Working with Dashboard Layouts
  • Integrating Q&A
  • Setting Alerts


Part 4: Oh, No! There’s A Power Bi Programming Language! 

Chapter 14: Digging Into DAX 

  • Discovering DAX
  • Peeking under the DAX hood
  • Working with calculations
  • Dealing with Data Types
  • Operating with Operators
  • Ordering operators
  • Parentheses and order
  • Making a Statement
  • Ensuring Compatibility


Chapter 15: Fun with DAX Functions 

  • Working with DAX Parameters and Naming Conventions
  • Prefixing parameter names
  • Playing with parameters
  • Using Formulas and Functions
  • Aggregate functions
  • Date-and-time functions
  • Filter functions
  • Financial functions
  • Information functions
  • Logical functions
  • Mathematical and trigonometric functions
  • Other functions
  • Parent-child functions
  • Relationship functions
  • Statistical functions
  • Table manipulation functions
  • Text functions
  • Time intelligence functions


Chapter 16: Digging Deeper into DAX 

  • Working with Variables
  • Writing DAX Formulas
  • Understanding DAX formulas in depth
  • Extending formulas with measures
  • Comparing measures and columns
  • Syntax and context
  • The syntax of an expression
  • Best Practices for DAX Coding and Debugging in Power BI
  • Using error functions properly
  • Avoiding converting blanks to values
  • Knowing the difference between operators and functions
  • Getting specific
  • Knowing what to COUNT
  • Relationships matter
  • Keeping up with the context
  • Preferring measures over columns
  • Seeing that structure matters


Chapter 17: Sharing and the Power BI Workspace 

  • Working Together in a Workspace
  • Defining the types of workspaces
  • Figuring out the nuts and bolts of workspaces
  • Creating and Configuring Apps
  • Slicing and Dicing Data
  • Analyzing in Excel
  • Benefiting from Quick Insights
  • Using Usage Metric reports
  • Working with paginated reports
  • Troubleshooting the Use of Data Lineage
  • Datasets, Dataflows, and Lineage
  • Defending Your Data Turf


Part 5: Enhancing Your Power Bi Experience 

Chapter 18: Making Your Data Shine 

  • Establishing a Schedule
  • Rolling out the scheduled refresh
  • Refreshing on-premises data
  • Protecting the Data Fortress
  • Configuring for group membership
  • Making role assignments in Power BI Services
  • Sharing the Data Love
  • Refreshing Data in Baby Steps
  • Creating RangeStart and RangeEnd parameters
  • Filtering by RangeStart and RangeEnd
  • Establishing the Incremental Refresh policy
  • Treating Data Like Gold
  • Configuring for Big Data


Chapter 19: Extending the Power BI Experience 

  • Linking Power Platform and Power BI
  • Powering Up with Power Apps
  • Creating Power App visuals with Power BI
  • Acknowledging the limitations of Power Apps/Power BI integration
  • Introducing the Power BI Mobile app
  • Integrating OneDrive and Power BI
  • Collaboration, SharePoint, and Power BI
  • Differentiating between the classic and modern SharePoint experience
  • Integrating Power BI into SharePoint  
  • Viewing Power BI reports in SharePoint
  • Automating Workflows with Power BI
  • Configuring prebuilt workflows for Power BI
  • Using the Power Automate Visual with Power BI
  • Unleashing Dynamics  for Data Analytics


Part 6: The Part of Tens 

Chapter 20: Ten Ways to Optimize DAX Using Power BI 

  • Focusing on Logic
  • Formatting Your Code
  • Keeping the Structure Simple (KISS)
  • Staying Clear of Certain Functions
  • Making Your Measures Meaningful
  • Filtering with a Purpose
  • Transforming Data Purposefully
  • Playing Hide-and-Seek with Your Columns
  • Using All Those Fabulous Functions
  • Rinse, Repeat, Recycle


Chapter 21: Ten Ways to Make Compelling Reports Accessible and User-Friendly 

  • Navigating the Keyboard
  • Having a Screen Reader As Your Companion
  • Standing Out with Contrast
  • Recognizing Size Matters (with Focus Mode)
  • Switching between Data Tables and Visualizations
  • A Little Extra Text Goes a Long Way
  • Setting Rank and Tab Order
  • It’s All About Titles and Labels
  • Leaving Your Markers
  • Keeping with a Theme






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