Excel 2016 for Dummies

Greg Harvey

ISBN: 9788126558964

440 pages

INR 799


The book covers everything you need to know to perform the task at hand. Includes information on creating and editing worksheets, formatting cells, entering formulas, creating and editing charts, inserting graphs, designing database forms, adding database records, using seek-and-find options, printing, adding hyperlinks to worksheets, saving worksheets as web pages, adding existing worksheet data to an existing webpage and sending worksheets via e-mail. 



Part I: Getting Started with Excel 2016

Chapter 1: The Excel 2016 User Experience

Chapter 2: Creating a Spreadsheet from Scratch


Part II: Editing without Tears

Chapter 3: Making It All Look Pretty

Chapter 4: Going Through Changes

Chapter 5: Printing the Masterpiece


Part III: Getting Organized and Staying That Way

Chapter 6: Maintaining the Worksheet

Chapter 7: Maintaining Multiple Worksheets


Part IV: Digging Data Analysis

Chapter 8: Doing What If Analysis

Chapter 9: Playing with Pivot Tables


Part V: Life beyond the Spreadsheet

Chapter 10: Charming Charts and Gorgeous Graphics

Chapter 11: Getting on the Data List

Chapter 12: Linking, Automating and Sharing Spreadsheets


Part VI: The Part of Tens

Chapter 13: Top Ten Beginner Basics

Chapter 14: The Ten Commandments of Excel 2016

Chapter 15: Top Ten Ways to Manage Your Data

Chapter 16: Top Ten Ways to Analyze Your Data



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