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Digital and Analog Communication Systems, As per AICTE

K. Sam Shanmugam

ISBN: 9788126512331

624 pages

INR 879

For more information write to us at: acadmktg@wiley.com


The book gives a unified treatment of theoretical and practical aspects of digital and analog communication systems, with emphasis on digital communication systems. It integrates theory with design, keeping theoretical details to a minimum, with over 60 practical and worked examples illustrating real-life methods. The emphasis is mainly on deriving design equations that relate performance of functional blocks to design parameters. It illustrates how to tradeoff between power, bandwidth and equipment complexity while maintaining an acceptable quality of performance.

  1. Introduction

1.1 Model of a Communication System

1.2 Elements of a Digital Communication System

1.3 Analysis and Design of Communication Systems

1.4 Organization of the Book

  1. Systems And Signal Analysis

2.1 Systems and Signals

2.2 Signal Representation Using Fourier Series

2.3 Signal Representation Using Fourier Transforms

2.4 power Spectral Density

2.5 System Response and Filters

2.6 Spectral Analysis of Modulation and Demodulation Operations

2.7 Spectral Measurements and Computations

2.8 Summary

  1. Random Signal Theory
    1. Introduction
    2. Introduction to Probabilities
    3. Discrete Random Variables
    4. Continuous Random Variables
    5. Random Processes
    6. Systems and Random Signals
    7. Noise in Communication Systems
    8. Summary
  2. Information And Channel Capacity
    1. Introduction
    2. Measure of Information
    3. Encoding of the Source Output
    4. Communication Channels
    5. Discrete Communication Channels
    6. Continuous Channels
    7. Summary
  3. Baseband Data Transmission
    1. Introduction
    2. Baseband Pulse Shaping
    3. Duobinary Baseband PAM System
    4. M-ary Signaling Schemes
    5. Shaping of the Transmitted Signal Spectrum
    6. Equalization
    7. Miscellaneous Topics
    8. Summary
  4. Analog Signal Transmission
    1. Introduction
    2. Analog Baseband Signal Transmission
    3. Linear CW Modulation Schemes
    4. Angle Modulation
    5. Frequency Division Multiplexing
    6. Commercial Broadcasting
    7. Summary
  5. Noise In Analog Communication Systems
    1. Introduction
    2. Noise in Baseband Systems
    3. Noise in Linear CW Modulation Systems
    4. Noise in Angle Modulation Systems
    5. Preemphasis/Deemphasis Filtering in CW Modulation Systems
    6. Interference in CW Modulation
    7. Comparison of CW Modulation Schemes
    8. Summary
  6. Digital Carrier Modulation Schemes
    1. Introduction
    2. Optimum Receiver for Binary Digital Modulation Schemes
    3. Binary ASK Signaling Schemes
    4. Binary PSK Signaling Schemes
    5. Binary FSK Signaling Schemes
    6. Comparison of Digital Modulation Schemes
    7. M-ary Signaling Schemes
    8. Synchronization Methods
    9. Summary
  7. Error Control Coding
    1. Introduction
    2. Linear Block Codes
    3. Binary Cyclic Codes
    4. Burst-Error-Correcting modes
    5. Burst- and Random-Error-Correcting Codes
    6. Convolutional Codes
    7. Performance of Block Codes―Error Correction
    8. Performance of Block Codes―Error Detection
    9. Summary
  8. Digital Transmission Of Analog Signals
    1. Introduction
    2. Sampling Theory and Practice
    3. Quantizing of Analog Signals
    4. Coded Transmission of Analog Signals
    5. Time-Division Multiplexing
    6. Comparison of Methods for Analog Signal Transmission
    7. Summary



Appendix A: History of Electrical Communication

Appendix B: Broadcast Frequency Bands

Appendix C: Trigonometric Identities and Fourier Transforms

Appendix D: Gaussian Probabilities

Appendix E: Glossary of Symbols, Notations, and Abbreviations


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