CATIA V5-6R2015 for Engineers and Designers, 13ed

Sham Tickoo

ISBN: 9789351199274

854 pages

INR 899


CATIA V5-6R2015 for Engineers and Designers textbook introduces the readers to CATIA V5-6R2015, one of the world's leading parametric solid modeling packages. In this textbook, the author emphasizes on solid modeling techniques that improve the productivity and efficiency of the users. In this edition, one chapter on Generative Shape Design workbench has been added. The chapters in this textbook are structured in a pedagogical sequence that makes it very effective in learning the features and capabilities of the software.


Chapter 1: Introduction to CATIA V5-6R2015

  • Introduction to CATIA V5-6R2015
  • CATIA V5 Workbenches
  • System Requirements
  • Getting Started with CATIA V5-6R2015
  • Important Terms and Definitions
  • Understanding the Functions of the Mouse Buttons in CATIA
  • Toolbars
  • Hot Keys
  • Color Scheme
  • Self-Evaluation Test
  • Review Questions


Chapter 2: Drawing Sketches in the Sketcher Workbench-I

  • The Sketcher Workbench
  • Starting a New File
  • Invoking the Sketcher Workbench
  • Invoking the Sketcher Workbench Using the Sketch Tool
  • Invoking the Sketcher Workbench Using the Positioned Sketch Tool
  • Setting the Sketcher Workbench
  • Modifying Units
  • Modifying the Grid Settings
  • Understanding Sketcher Terms
  • Specification Tree
  • Grid
  • Snap to Point
  • Construction / Standard Element
  • Select Toolbar
  • Inferencing Lines
  • Drawing Sketches Using Sketcher Tools
  • Drawing Lines
  • Drawing Center Lines
  • Drawing Rectangles, Oriented Rectangles and Parallelograms
  • Drawing Rectangles
  • Creating Points
  • Drawing Circles
  • Drawing Arcs
  • Drawing Profiles
  • Drawing Display Tools
  • Fit All In
  • Pan
  • Zoom In
  • Zoom Out
  • Zoom Area
  • Normal View
  • Create Multiview
  • Hide / Show Geometric Elements
  • Swap Visible Space
  • Tutorial 1
  • Tutorial 2
  • Tutorial 3
  • Tutorial 4
  • Self-Evaluation Test
  • Review Questions
  • Exercise 1
  • Exercise 2
  • Exercise 3
  • Exercise 4


Chapter 3: Drawing Sketches in the Sketcher Workbench-II

  • Other Sketching Tools in the Sketcher Workbench
  • Drawing Conics
  • Drawing Splines
  • Connecting Two Elements by a Spline or an Arc
  • Drawing Elongated Holes
  • Drawing Cylindrical Elongated Holes
  • Drawing Keyhole Profiles
  • Drawing Polygons                                                            
  • Drawing Centered Rectangles
  • Drawing Centered Parallelograms
  • Editing and Modifying Sketches
  • Trimming Unwanted Sketched Elements
  • Extending Sketched Elements
  • Breaking Elements
  • Closing Elements
  • Trimming by Using the Quick Trim Tool
  • Filleting Sketched Elements
  • Creating a Tangent Arc
  • Chamfering Sketched Elements
  • Mirroring Sketched Elements
  • Mirroring Elements without Duplication
  • Translating Sketched Elements
  • Rotating Sketched Elements
  • Scaling Sketched Elements
  • Offsetting Sketched Elements
  • Modifying Sketched Elements
  • Deleting Sketched Elements
  • Tutorial 1
  • Tutorial 2
  • Tutorial 3
  • Self-Evaluation Test
  • Review Questions
  • Exercise 1
  • Exercise 2
  • Exercise 3
  • Exercise 4
  • Exercise 5


Chapter 4: Constraining Sketches and Creating Base Features

  • Constraining Sketches
  • Concept of Constrained Sketches
  • Iso-Constraint
  • Under-Constraint
  • Over-Constrained
  • Inconsistent
  • Not Changed
  • Applying Constraints
  • Applying Geometrical Constraints Automatically
  • Applying Additional Constraints to the Sketch
  • Applying Dimensional Constraints
  • Applying Contact Constraints
  • Applying Fix Together Constraints
  • Applying Auto Constraints
  • Animate Constraints
  • Editing Multiple Dimensions
  • Analyzing and Deleting Over-Defined Constraints
  • Analyzing Sketch using the Sketch Analysis Tool
  • Exiting the Sketcher Workbench
  • Creating Base Features by Extrusion
  • Creating a Thin Extruded Feature
  • Extruding the Sketch Using the Profile Definition Dialog Box
  • Extruding the Sketch along a Directional Reference
  • Creating Base Features By Revolving Sketches
  • Creating Thin Shaft Features
  • Dynamically Rotating the View of the Model
  • Rotating the View Using the Rotate Tool
  • Rotating the View Using the Compass
  • Modifying the View Orientation
  • Display Modes of the Model
  • Shading (SHD)
  • Shading with Edges
  • Shading with Edges without Smooth Edges
  • Shading with Edges and Hidden Edges
  • Shading with Material
  • Wireframe (NHR)
  • Customize View Parameters
  • Creating Sections Dynamically
  • Maneuvering the Section Plane
  • Position of Section Planes
  • Assigning a Material to the Model
  • Tutorial 1
  • Tutorial 2
  • Self-Evaluation Test
  • Review Questions
  • Exercise 1
  • Exercise 2
  • Exercise 3
  • Exercise 4


Chapter 5: Reference Elements and Sketch-Based Features

  • Importance of Sketching Planes
  • Reference Elements
  • Reference Planes
  • Creating New Planes
  • Creating Points
  • Creating Reference Lines
  • Other Sketch-Based Features
  • Creating Drafted Filleted Pad Features
  • Creating Multi-Pad Features
  • Feature Termination Options
  • Creating Pocket Features
  • Creating Drafted Filleted Pocket Features
  • Creating Multi-Pocket Features
  • Creating Groove Features
  • Extruding and Revolving Planar and Non-planar Faces
  • Projecting 3D Elements
  • Tutorial 1
  • Tutorial 2
  • Tutorial 3
  • Tutorial 4
  • Tutorial 5
  • Self-Evaluation Test
  • Review Questions
  • Exercise 1
  • Exercise 2
  • Exercise 3
  • Exercise 4


Chapter 6: Creating Dress-Up and Hole Features

  • Advanced Modeling Tools
  • Creating Hole Features
  • Creating Fillets
  • Creating Chamfers
  • Adding a Draft to the Faces of the Model
  • Creating a Shell Feature
  • Adding Thickness
  • Removing Faces
  • Replacing Faces
  • Tutorial 1
  • Tutorial 2
  • Self-Evaluation Test
  • Review Questions
  • Exercise 1
  • Exercise 2
  • Exercise 3


Chapter 7: Editing Features

  • Editing Features of a Model
  • Editing Using the Definition Option
  • Editing by Double-Clicking
  • Editing the Sketch of a Sketch-Based Feature
  • Redefining the Sketch Plane of Sketches
  • Deleting Unwanted Features
  • Managing Features and Sketches by using the Cut, Copy and Paste Functionalities
  • Understanding the Concept of Update Diagnosis
  • Cut, Copy, and Paste Features and Sketches
  • Copying Features Using Drag and Drop
  • Copying and Pasting PartBodies
  • Deactivating Features
  • Activating Deactivated Features
  • Defining Features in Work Object
  • Reordering Features
  • Understanding the Parent-Child Relationships
  • Measuring Elements
  • Measuring between Elements
  • Measuring Items
  • Measuring Inertia
  • Tutorial 1
  • Tutorial 2
  • Tutorial 3
  • Self-Evaluation Test
  • Review Questions
  • Exercise 1
  • Exercise 2

Chapter 8: Transformation Features and Advanced Modeling Tools-I

  • Transformation Features
  • Translating the Bodies
  • Rotating the Bodies
  • Creating the Symmetry Features
  • Transforming the Axis System
  • Mirroring the Features and Bodies
  • Creating Rectangular Patterns
  • Creating Circular Patterns
  • Creating User Patterns
  • Uniform Scaling of Models
  • Non-uniform Scaling of Models
  • Working with Additional Bodies
  • Inserting a New Body
  • Inserting Features in the New Body
  • Applying Boolean Operations to Bodies
  • Adding Stiffeners to a Model
  • Generating Solid Combine
  • Tutorial 1
  • Tutorial 2
  • Self-Evaluation Test
  • Review Questions
  • Exercise 1
  • Exercise 2
  • Exercise 3


Chapter 9: Advanced Modeling Tools-II

  • Advanced Modeling Tools
  • Creating Rib Features
  • Creating Slot Features
  • Creating Multi-Sections Solid Features
  • Creating the Multi-Section Solid Cut Feature
  • Tutorial 1
  • Tutorial 2
  • Tutorial 3
  • Tutorial 4
  • Self-Evaluation Test
  • Review Questions
  • Exercise 1
  • Exercise 2


Chapter 10: Working with the Wireframe and Surface Design Workbench

  • Need of Surface Modeling
  • Wireframe and Surface Design Workbench
  • Starting the Wireframe and Surface Design Workbench
  • Creating Wireframe Elements
  • Creating Circles
  • Creating Splines
  • Creating a Helix
  • Creating Surfaces
  • Creating Extruded Surfaces
  • Creating Revolved Surfaces
  • Creating Spherical Surfaces
  • Creating Cylindrical Surfaces
  • Creating Offset Surfaces
  • Creating Sweep Surfaces
  • Creating Fill Surfaces
  • Creating Multi-Section Surfaces
  • Creating Blended Surfaces
  • Operations on Shape Geometry
  • Joining Surfaces
  • Splitting Surfaces
  • Trimming Surfaces
  • Tutorial 1
  • Tutorial 2
  • Self-Evaluation Test
  • Review Questions
  • Exercise 1
  • Exercise 2


Chapter 11: Editing and Modifying Surfaces

  • Surface Operations
  • Creating Projection Curves
  • Creating Intersection Elements
  • Healing Geometries
  • Disassembling Elements
  • Untrimming a Surface or a Curve
  • Creating Boundary Curves
  • Extracting Geometry
  • Transformation
  • Extrapolating Surfaces and Curves
  • Splitting a Solid Body with a Surface
  • Solidifying Surface Models
  • Adding Thickness to a Surface
  • Creating a Solid Body from a Closed Surface Body
  • Sewing a Surface to a Solid Body
  • Tutorial 1
  • Tutorial 2
  • Self-Evaluation Test
  • Review Questions
  • Exercise 1


Chapter 12: Assembly Modeling

  • Assembly Modeling
  • Types of Assembly Design Approaches
  • Creating Bottom-up Assemblies
  • Inserting Components in a Product file
  • Moving Individual Components
  • Applying Constraints
  • Creating Top-down Assemblies
  • Creating Base Part in the Top-Down Assembly
  • Creating Subsequent Components in the Top-Down Assembly
  • Creating Subassemblies in the Top-Down Assembly
  • Editing Assemblies
  • Deleting Components
  • Replacing Components
  • Editing Components Inside an Assembly
  • Editing Subassemblies Inside an Assembly
  • Editing Assembly Constraints
  • Simplifying the Assembly
  • Interference Detection
  • Sectioning an Assembly
  • Exploding an Assembly
  • Tutorial 1
  • Tutorial 2
  • Self-Evaluation Test
  • Review Questions
  • Exercise 1


Chapter 13: Working with the Drafting Workbench-I

  • The Drafting Workbench
  • Starting a New File in the Drafting Workbench
  • Type of Views
  • Generating Drawing Views
  • Generating Views Automatically
  • Generating Individual Drawing Views
  • Generating the Exploded View
  • Working with Interactive Drafting in CATIA V5
  • Editing and Modifying Drawing Views
  • Changing the Scale of Drawing Views
  • Modifying the Project Plane of the Parent View
  • Deleting Drawing Views
  • Rotating Drawing Views
  • Hiding Drawing Views
  • Modifying the Hatch Pattern of Section Views
  • Tutorial 1
  • Tutorial 2
  • Self-Evaluation Test
  • Review Questions
  • Exercise 1


Chapter 14: Working with the Drafting Workbench-II

  • Inserting Sheets in the Current File
  • Inserting the Frame and the Title Block
  • Automatic Insertion of the Frame and the Title Block
  • Creating the Frame and the Title Block Manually
  • Adding Annotations to the Drawing Views
  • Generating Dimensions
  • Adding Reference Dimensions
  • Adding Datum Features
  • Adding Geometric Tolerance to the Drawing Views
  • Adding Surface Finish Symbols
  • Adding Welding Symbols
  • Applying Weld
  • Editing Annotations
  • Generating the Bill of Material (BOM)
  • Generating Balloons
  • Tutorial 1
  • Tutorial 2
  • Self-Evaluation Test
  • Review Questions
  • Exercise 1


Chapter 15: Working with Sheet Metal Components

  • The Sheet metal Component
  • Starting a New File in Generative Sheet Metal Workbench
  • Setting Sheet Metal Parameters
  • Parameters Tab
  • Bend Extremities Tab
  • Bend Allowance Tab
  • Introduction to Sheet Metal Walls
  • Creating the Base Wall
  • Creating the Wall On Edge
  • Creating Extrusions
  • Creating Swept Walls
  • Creating Flanges on the Sheet Metal Component
  • Creating Hems on the Sheet Metal Component
  • Creating a Tear Drop on the Sheet Metal Component
  • Creating a User Flange on the Sheet Metal Component
  • Creating a Bend
  • Creating a Conical Bend
  • Bend From Flat
  • Creating Rolled Walls
  • Creating a Hopper Wall
  • Creating a Rolled Wall
  • Folding and Unfolding Sheet Metal Parts
  • Unfolding Sheet Metal Parts
  • Folding Unfolded Parts
  • Mapping the Geometry
  • Creating Flat Patterns of Sheet Metal Components
  • Viewing a Sheet Metal Component in Multiple Windows
  • Using Views Management
  • Stamping
  • Creating a Surface Stamp
  • Creating a Bead Stamp
  • Creating a Curve Stamp
  • Creating a Flanged Cut Out Stamp
  • Creating a Louver Stamp
  • Creating a Bridge Stamp
  • Creating a Flanged Hole Stamp
  • Creating a Circular Stamp
  • Creating a Stiffening Rib Stamp
  • Creating a Dowel Stamp
  • Tutorial 1
  • Tutorial 2
  • Tutorial 3
  • Tutorial 4
  • Self-Evaluation Test
  • Review Questions
  • Exercise 1


Chapter 16: DMU Kinematics

  • Introduction to DMU Kinematics
  • Designing a Mechanism
  • Creating the Revolute Joint
  • Creating the Prismatic Joint
  • Creating the Cylindrical Joint
  • Creating the Screw Joint
  • Creating the Rigid Joint
  • Creating the Spherical Joint
  • Creating the Planar Joint
  • Creating the Point Curve Joint
  • Creating the Slide Curve Joint
  • Creating the Roll Curve Joint
  • Creating the Point Surface Joint
  • Creating the Universal Joint
  • Creating the CV Joint
  • Creating the Gear Joint
  • Creating the Rack Joint
  • Creating the Cable Joint
  • Converting Assembly Constraints into Joints
  • Tutorial 1
  • Tutorial 2
  • Tutorial 3
  • Tutorial 4
  • Tutorial 5
  • Self-Evaluation Test
  • Review Questions
  • Exercise 1
  • Exercise 2


Chapter 17: Working with the FreeStyle Workbench

  • The FreeStyle Workbench
  • Starting a New FreeStyle File
  • Setting the FreeStyle Workbench
  • Creating Surfaces
  • Patches Sub-toolbar
  • Extrude Surface
  • Revolve
  • Offset
  • Styling Extrapolate
  • FreeStyle Blend Surface
  • Styling Fillet
  • Fills Sub-toolbar
  • Net Surface
  • Styling Sweep
  • Modifying Surfaces
  • Symmetry
  • Control Points
  • Match
  • Tutorial 1
  • Self-Evaluation Test
  • Review Questions
  • Exercise 1


Chapter 18: Introduction to Generative Shape Design

  • Creating Wireframe Elements
  • Creating Volumes
  • Creating Surfaces
  • Performing Operations on Shape Geometry
  • Tutorial 1
  • Tutorial 2
  • Self-Evaluation Test
  • Review Questions
  • Exercise 1



Student Projects



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