Wiley Acing the GATE: Computer Science and Information Technology, 2ed, 2023

Anil Kumar Verma, Gaurav Sharma, Kuldeep Singh

ISBN: 9789354644924

856 pages

INR 959


The book uses a precise and systematic approach to present the subject of computer science and information technology for GATE (CS). The content of the book is built after thorough analysis of concepts asked in previous year question papers, and thus emerges as a fully competent book to cater to the needs of the GATE aspirants. Difficult topics such as theory of computation, compiler design, operating systems are clarified using simple steps and illustrations as well as supported by a large number of problems for practice; as these form the major portion of the GATE syllabus.


About the Authors

Acing the GATE

About GATE

Attributes for Success in Examination


1 Digital Logic  

  • Introduction  
  • Number System  
  • Boolean Logic  
  • Digital Circuits  


2 Computer Organization and Architecture  

  • Introduction  
  • Computer Architecture  
  • Machine Instructions and Addressing Modes  
  • Arithmetic Logic Unit  
  • CPU Control Design  
  • I/O Interface (Interrupt and DMA Mode)  
  • Instruction Pipelining  
  • Memory Hierarchy  


3 Programming and Data Structures  

  • Introduction  
  • Basic Terminology  
  • Stack  
  • Queue  
  • Linked List  
  • Trees  


4 Algorithms  

  • Introduction  
  • Algorithm  
  • Hashing  
  • Binary Heap  
  • Searching and Sorting  
  • Graph  
  • Greedy Approach  
  • Graph Traversa  
  • Dynamic Programming  
  • All-Pair Shortest Path  
  • Concepts of Complexity Classes  


5 Theory of Computation  

  • Introduction  
  • Finite Automata  
  • Finite Automata and Regular Language  
  • Pushdown Automata  
  • Context-Free Grammar and Languages  
  • Turing Machine  


6 Compiler Design  

  • Introduction  
  • Compilers and Interpreters  
  • Lexical Analyzer  
  • Parser  
  • Syntax-Directed Translation  
  • Runtime Environment  
  • Intermediate Code Generation  
  • Code Optimization  


7 Operating System  

  • Introduction  
  • Types of Operating System  
  • Process Management  
  • CPU Scheduling  
  • Process Synchronization  
  • Deadlocks  
  • Threads  
  • Memory Management  
  • File System  
  • I/O Systems  
  • Protection and Security  


8 Databases  

  • Introduction  
  • Components of Database Systems  
  • DBMS Architecture  
  • Data Models  
  • Database Design  
  • Query Languages (SQL)  
  • File Structures  
  • Transactions and Concurrency Control  


9 Information Systems and Software Engineering*  

  • Introduction  
  • Information Systems  
  • Software  
  • Process Models  
  • Measurement of Metrics  
  • Risk Analysis  
  • Software Development Life Cycle  


10 Computer Networks  

  • Introduction  
  • Network  
  • LAN Technologies  
  • ISO/OSI Stack  
  • Routing Algorithms  
  • Network Layer Protocols  
  • Layer 4: Transport Layer  
  • Congestion  
  • User Datagram Protocol and Transmission Control Protocol  
  • Sockets  
  • Layer 5: Session Layer  
  • Layer 6: Presentation Layer  
  • Layer 7: Application Layer  
  • Devices  
  • Network Security  
  • Basic of WiFi  


11 Web Technologies*  

  • Introduction  
  • HTML  
  • Cascading Style Sheets  
  • XML  
  • Basic Concepts of Client— Server Computing  
  • J2EE platform  


12 Discrete Mathematics  

  • Introduction  
  • Propositional Logic and First Order Logic  
  • Set Theory  
  • Relations  
  • Group  
  • Permutation  
  • Combinatorics  
  • Graph Theory  


Important Formulas  

Solved Examples  

GATE Previous Years’ Questions  

Practice Exercises  

Answers to Practice Exercises  


GATE 2018 Paper

GATE 2019 Paper

GATE 2020 Paper

GATE 2021 Paper




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