Patterns of Entrepreneurship Management, 6ed (An Indian Adaptation)

Jack M. Kaplan, Jack McGourty, Venkatesha Murthy

ISBN: 9789354642289

432 pages

INR 909


Patterns of Entrepreneurship Management, 6th Edition, is the essential roadmap for anyone interested in starting a new venture whether for-profit or social enterprise. Using its innovative “roadmap” approach, this practical guide enables students and aspiring entrepreneurs to design, execute, and maintain their business plan—covering every essential step of the entrepreneurial process, from turning an idea into a business model to securing funding and managing resources.

Part 1 Getting Started as an Entrepreneur

1 Understanding the Entrepreneurial Process

  • Introduction
  • Profile: Wayne McVicker—A Typical Entrepreneur
  • Profile: Narayana Murthy—An Example of an Indian Entrepreneur
  • An Entrepreneurial Perspective
  • Commonly Shared Entrepreneurial Characteristics
  • Types of Entrepreneurs
  • The Need to Control
  • The Spider-Web Model
  • Finding Early Mentors
  • Managing Stress
  • The Five-Stage Entrepreneurial Process
  • The Growth of Entrepreneurial Companies
  • So Why Become an Entrepreneur?
  • Business Incubators
  • Developing Your Entrepreneurial Management Skills


2 Converting Ideas into Opportunities

  • Introduction
  • Profile: Becky Minard and Paal Gisholt—Finding a Point of Pain
  • Why Innovation Is Important?
  • Definition and Types of Innovation
  • Frameworks for Learning Innovation Skills
  • Finding and Assessing Ideas and Opportunities
  • The Evaluation Process for the Idea


3 Framing and Testing the Business Model

  • Introduction
  • Profile: Alexander Osterwalder—Inventor of Canvas Model
  • Definition of Business Models
  • The Business Model Canvas
  • Testing Assumptions and Value Proposition
  • Product-Market Fit
  • Minimum Viable Product Concept
  • Examples of Innovative Business Models
  • Licensing and Franchising
  • Models Built around Social Networks
  • Social Media and Entrepreneurship
  • Corporate Partnering
  • Business Platforms


4 Engaging Customers, Analyzing Competitors, for Market Entry Strategy

  • Introduction
  • Determining Market Attractiveness
  • Market Research Approaches
  • Primary Market Research: Customer Discovery
  • Secondary Market Research
  • Defining Market Segmentation and Customer Profiles
  • On Market Sizing
  • Conducting a Competitive Analysis
  • Developing an Integrated Marketing Strategy
  • Formulating a Successful Marketing Strategy and Plan
  • Preparing the Pricing and Sales Strategy
  • Preparing an Advertising Campaign
  • Setting Up Sales Channels


5 Preparing the Investor Package

  • Introduction
  • Profile: Nikolay Shkolnik—Business Plan Turns a Dream into Reality
  • The Value of a Business Plan
  • Setting Goals and Objectives
  • Starting the Process to Write the Plan: Canvas Model and the Four Steps
  • Determining What Type of Business Plan Is Best
  • Understanding Why Business Plans Fail


6 Setting Up the Company

  • Introduction
  • Profile: Ethan Wendle and Matt Chverchko—When to Convert from an S- to a C-Corporation
  • Identifying What Form of Ownership Is Best
  • Forms of Doing Business
  • Sole Proprietorship
  • C-Corporation
  • S-Corporation
  • Partnership
  • Limited Liability Company
  • Benefit Corporation
  • Business Start-up Checklist
  • Setting Up a Company in India


7 Protecting Intellectual Property

  • Introduction
  • What Are Trademarks?
  • What Is the Value of a Trademark?
  • How Are Trademarks Registered?
  • What Are the Benefits of Trademark Registration?
  • How Are Trademarks Enforced?
  • What Are Copyrights?
  • The Power of Patents
  • What Are the Qualifications for a Patent to Be Granted?
  • How to Protect Intellectual Property?
  • Getting Started with the Patent Idea
  • What Is the Patent Application Process?
  • Progress from Idea to Patent to Enterprise
  • What Are Trade Secrets?
  • Reverse Engineering
  • Intellectual Property Laws in India


Part 2 Funding the Venture

8 Launching and Financing Your Venture

  • Introduction
  • Profile: James Dyson—Bootstrapping Out of Necessity
  • Securing Early-Stage Funding
  • Self-Funding
  • Moonlighting and Part-Time Consulting
  • Bootstrapping
  • Family and Friends
  • Crowdfunding
  • Microequity and Microloans: A Little Money, a Lot of Help
  • Bank Loans, Factoring, and Supplier Lines of Credit
  • Managing Your Personal Credit Rating
  • Government Sources of Funding
  • Launching and Financing a Venture in India


9 Equity Financing for High Growth

  • Introduction
  • Profile: Instagram—Staged Investments
  • Making a Venture Capital Thrive Investment
  • Equity Investment Fundamentals
  • Using Private Equity for Raising Funds
  • Angel Investors
  • Understanding the Venture Capital Process
  • Guide to Selecting a Venture Capitalist (VC)
  • Private Placements
  • Learning How to Value a Business
  • Changing Entrepreneur Competencies with Different Phases of Business


Part 3 Managing Performance, Communication, and People

10 Managing Start-up Performance—Money and People

  • Introduction
  • Profile: Paul Silvis—Conserving Cash While Building an Embracing Culture
  • Financial Statements
  • Preparing Financial Projections
  • Preparing a Cash Flow Forecast
  • Preparing a Breakeven Analysis
  • Measuring Start-up Performance
  • Analyzing an Investment Decision
  • Taxes and Filing
  • The Stresses of Managing Money
  • Managing Human Resources—Introduction
  • Conflicts of Interest and Business Ethics
  • Legal Issues
  • Setting Up Stock-Option Agreements


11 Pitching the Venture to Investors

  • Introduction
  • Profile: Craig Bandes—Matching Presentations to Investors
  • Locating Investors
  • Preparing a Teaser
  • Executive Summary
  • The Elevator Pitch
  • After the Presentation
  • The Financing Agreement
  • Creating a Promotional Video


12 Planning Your Exit

  • Introduction
  • Profile: David Olk—Platform to Build Relationships and Lessons Learned
  • Why Create an Exit Strategy and Plan?
  • Valuing a Later-Stage Company
  • Selling the Business
  • Preparing a Selling Memorandum
  • Outline of a Selling Memorandum
  • Creating the Letter of Intent
  • Performing Due Diligence
  • Preparing the Purchase Agreement
  • Closing the Deal
  • Merging with Another Business
  • Using an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP)
  • Using a Management Buyout (MBO)
  • Considering a Public Offering
  • The Registration Process
  • The Expenses of Going Public


Part 4 Special Topics: Social Entrepreneurship and Family Business

13 Social Entrepreneurship

  • Introduction
  • Social Entrepreneurs and Green Initiatives
  • Profile: Khanjan Mehta—A Social Entrepreneur
  • To Profit or Not to Profit
  • Social Entrepreneurship and Tax Issues
  • Difference Between Business and Social Entrepreneurs
  • Stakeholder Issues and Challenges
  • Growth and Management Challenges
  • Enhanced Revenue Opportunities
  • Social Entrepreneurship Business Models
  • Using the Inverse Commons to Build a Social Enterprise
  • Using Social Media to Grow
  • Applying Other Chapters in This Book to Social Entrepreneurship
  • Summary
  • Study Questions
  • Endnotes
  • Worksheets


14 Family Business—Important and Different

  • Introduction
  • Profile: Richard Edelman—A Family Business Entrepreneur
  • What Is a Family Business?
  • The Three Subsystem Model
  • Types of Family Businesses
  • Considerations and Challenges of Family Businesses
  • Governing the Family Firm
  • Family Business Capital
  • Indian Family Business Landscape—History and Present



Study Questions



Glossary of Terms




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