Engineering Mechanics Statics and Dynamics, 9ed, (An Indian Adaptation)

James L. Meriam , L. G. Kraige , J. N. Bolton

ISBN: 9789354248566

1044 pages

INR 1259


Meriam's Engineering Mechanics is a classic textbook for the first engineering course in mechanics that has provided a solid foundation of mechanics principles for more than 60 years. Known for its accuracy, clarity, and dependability, it is written in a style which is both concise and friendly, with major emphasis on basic  principles and methods. This text continues to help students develop their problem-solving skills with an extensive variety of engaging problems related to engineering design. It effectively demonstrates both the cohesiveness of the relatively few fundamental ideas and the great variety of problems which these few ideas will solve.


Preface to the Adapted Edition




Part I Statics

1 Introduction to Statics

2 Force Systems

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Force

2.3 Rectangular Components

2.4 Moment

2.5 Couple

2.6 Resultants

2.7 Rectangular Components

2.8 Moment and Couple

2.9 Resultants

2.10 Chapter Review


3 Equilibrium

3.1 Introduction

3.2 System Isolation and the Free-Body Diagram

3.3 Equilibrium Conditions

3.4 Equilibrium Conditions

3.5 Chapter Review


4 Structures

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Plane Trusses

4.3 Method of Joints

4.4 Graphical Method

4.5 Method of Sections

4.6 Space Trusses

4.7 Frames and Machines

4.8 Chapter Review


5 Distributed Forces: Center of Mass, Centroid, and Moment of Inertia

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Center of Mass

5.3 Centroids of Lines, Areas, and Volumes

5.4 Composite Bodies and Figures; Approximations

5.5 Theorems of Pappus

5.6 Area Moments of Inertia

5.7 Mass Moments of Inertia

5.8 Beams—External Effects

5.9 Beams—Internal Effects

5.10 Chapter Review


6 Friction

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Types of Friction

6.3 Dry Friction

6.4 Wedges

6.5 Screws

6.6 Journal Bearings

6.7 Thrust Bearings; Disk Friction

6.8 Flexible Belts

6.9 Rolling Resistance

6.10 Chapter Review


7 Virtual Work

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Work

7.3 Equilibrium

7.4 Potential Energy and Stability

7.5 Chapter Review


Part II Dynamics


Part IIA: Dynamics of Particles

8 Introduction to Dynamics

8.1 History and Modern Applications

8.2 Solving Problems in Dynamics

8.3 Chapter Review


9 Kinematics of Particles

9.1 Introduction

9.2 Rectilinear Motion

9.3 Plane Curvilinear Motion

9.4 Rectangular Coordinates (x-y)

9.5 Normal and Tangential Coordinates (n-t )

9.6 Polar Coordinates (r-q)

9.7 Space Curvilinear Motion

9.8 Relative Motion (Translating Axes)

9.9 Constrained Motion of Connected Particles

9.10 Chapter Review


10 Kinetics of Particles

10.1 Introduction

10.2 Newton’s Second Law

10.3 Equation of Motion and Solution of Problems

10.4 Rectilinear Motion

10.5 Curvilinear Motion

10.6 Work and Kinetic Energy

10.7 Potential Energy

10.8 Introduction

10.9 Linear Impulse and Linear Momentum

10.10 Angular Impulse and Angular Momentum

10.11 Introduction

10.12 Impact

10.13 Central-Force Motion

10.14 Relative Motion

10.15 Chapter Review


11 Kinetics of Systems of Particles

11.1 Introduction

11.2 Generalized Newton’s Second Law

11.3 Work-Energy

11.4 Impulse-Momentum

11.5 Conservation of Energy and Momentum

11.6 Steady Mass Flow

11.7 Variable Mass

11.8 Chapter Review


Part IIB: Dynamics of Rigid Bodies

12 Plane Kinematics of Rigid Bodies

12.1 Introduction

12.2 Rotation

12.3 Absolute Motion

12.4 Relative Velocity

12.5 Instantaneous Center of Zero Velocity

12.6 Relative Acceleration

12.7 Motion Relative to Rotating Axes

12.8 Chapter Review


13 Plane Kinetics of Rigid Bodies

13.1 Introduction

13.2 General Equations of Motion

13.3 Translation

13.4 Fixed-Axis Rotation

13.5 General Plane Motion

13.6 Work-Energy Relations

13.7 Acceleration from Work-Energy; Virtual Work

13.8 Impulse-Momentum Equations

13.9 Chapter Review


14 Introduction to Three-Dimensional Dynamics of Rigid Bodies

14.1 Introduction

14.2 Translation

14.3 Fixed-Axis Rotation

14.4 Parallel-Plane Motion

14.5 Rotation about a Fixed Point

14.6 General Motion

14.7 Angular Momentum

14.8 Kinetic Energy

14.9 Momentum and Energy Equations of Motion

14.10 Parallel-Plane Motion

14.11 Gyroscopic Motion: Steady Precession

14.12 Chapter Review


15 Vibration and Time Response

15.1 Introduction

15.2 Free Vibration of Particles

15.3 Forced Vibration of Particles

15.4 Vibration of Rigid Bodies

15.5 Energy Methods

15.6 Chapter Review


Appendix A Introduction to Analytical Mechanics

Appendix B Selected Topics of Mathematics

Appendix C Useful Tables



Problem Answers


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