Lean Six Sigma for Dummies, 3ed

John Morgan , Martin Brenig-Jones

ISBN: 9789354249969

378 pages

INR 699


Are you looking to make your organisation more effective and productive? If you answered "yes," you need to change the way it thinks. Combining the leading improvement methods of Six Sigma and Lean, this winning technique drives performance to the next level—and this friendly and accessible guide shows you how. The third edition of Lean Six Sigma For Dummies outlines the key concepts of this strategy and explains how you can use it to get the very best out of your team and your business.


About This Book

Foolish Assumptions

Icons Used In This Book

Beyond This Book

Where to Go From Here


Part I: Getting Started with Lean Six Sigma

Chapter 1: Defining Lean Six Sigma

  • Introducing Lean Thinking
  • Bringing on the basics of Lean
  • Perusing the principles of Lean thinking
  • Sussing Six Sigma
  • Considering the core of Six Sigma
  • Calculating process sigma values
  • Clarifying the major points of Six Sigma


Chapter 2: Understanding the Principles of Lean Six Sigma

  • Considering the Key Principles of Lean Six Sigma
  • Improving Existing Processes: Introducing DMAIC
  • Defining your project
  • Measuring how the work is done
  • Analysing your process
  • Improving your process
  • Coming up with a control plan
  • Reviewing Your DMAIC Phases
  • Taking a Pragmatic Approach


Part II: Working with Lean Six Sigma

Chapter 3: Identifying Your Customers

  • Understanding the Process Basics
  • Pinpointing the elements of a process
  • Identifying internal and external customers
  • Getting a High-Level Picture
  • Drawing a high-level process map
  • Segmenting customers


Chapter 4: Understanding Your Customers’ Needs

  • Considering If You Can Kano
  • Obtaining the Voice of the Customer
  • Taking an outside-in view
  • Segmenting your customers
  • Prioritising your customers
  • Researching the Requirements
  • Interviewing your customers
  • Focusing on focus groups
  • Considering customer surveys
  • Using observations
  • Avoiding Bias
  • Considering Critical To Quality Customer Requirements
  • Establishing the Real CTQs
  • Prioritising the requirements
  • Measuring performance using customer-focused measures


Chapter 5: Determining the Chain of Events

  • Finding Out How the Work Gets Done
  • Practising process stapling
  • Drawing spaghetti diagrams
  • Painting a Picture of the Process
  • Keeping things simple
  • Developing a deployment flowchart
  • Constructing a value stream map
  • Identifying moments of truth


Part III: Assessing Performance

Chapter 6: Gathering Information

  • Managing by Fact
  • Realising the importance of good data
  • Reviewing what you currently measure
  • Deciding what to measure
  • Developing a Data Collection Plan
  • Beginning with output measures
  • Creating clear definitions
  • Agreeing rules to ensure valid and consistent data
  • Collecting the data
  • Identifying ways to improve your approach
  • Introducing Sampling
  • Process sampling
  • Population sampling

Chapter 7: Presenting Your Data

  • Delving into Different Types of Variation
  • Understanding natural variation
  • Spotlighting special cause variation
  • Distinguishing between variation types
  • Avoiding tampering
  • Displaying data differently
  • Recognising the Importance of Control Charts
  • Creating a control chart
  • Unearthing unusual features
  • Choosing the right control chart
  • Examining the state of your processes
  • Considering the capability of your processes
  • Additional ways to present and analyse your data
  • Testing Your Theories


Chapter 8: Analysing What’s Affecting Performance

  • Unearthing the Usual Suspects
  • Generating your list of suspects
  • Investigating the suspects and getting the facts
  • Getting a Balance of Measures
  • Connecting things up
  • Proving your point
  • Seeing the point
  • Assessing your effectiveness


Part IV: Improving the Processes

Chapter 9: Identifying Value-Adding Steps and Waste

  • Interpreting Value-Added
  • Providing a common definition
  • Carrying out a value-added analysis
  • Assessing opportunity
  • Looking at the Seven Wastes
  • Owning up to overproduction
  • Playing the waiting game
  • Troubling over transportation
  • Picking on processing
  • Investigating inventory
  • Moving on motion
  • Coping with correction
  • Looking Beyond the Seven Wastes
  • Wasting people’s potential
  • Going green
  • Considering customer perspectives
  • Focusing on the Vital Few


Chapter 10: Discovering the Opportunity for Prevention

  • Keeping Things Neat and Tidy
  • Introducing the Five Ss
  • Carrying out a red-tag exercise
  • Using visual management
  • Looking at Prevention Tools and Techniques
  • Introducing Jidoka
  • Reducing risk with Failure Mode Effects Analysis
  • Error proofing your processes
  • Profiting from Preventive Maintenance
  • Avoiding Peaks and Troughs
  • Introducing Heijunka
  • Spreading the load
  • Carrying out work in a standard way


Chapter 11: Detecting and Tackling Bottlenecks

  • Applying the Theory of Constraints
  • Identifying the weakest link
  • Improving the process flow
  • Building a buffer
  • Managing the Production Cycle
  • Using pull rather than push production
  • Moving to single piece flow
  • Recognising the problem with batches
  • Looking at Your Layout
  • Identifying wasted movement
  • Using cell manufacturing techniques
  • Identifying product families


Chapter 12: Introducing Design for Six Sigma

  • Introducing DfSS
  • Introducing DMADV
  • Defining What Needs Designing
  • Getting the measure of the design
  • Analysing the design
  • Developing the design
  • Verifying that the design works
  • Choosing between DMAIC and DMADV
  • Considering Quality Function Deployment
  • Clarifying what these houses and rooms are all about
  • Undertaking a QFD drill-down
  • Making Decisions


Part V: Deploying Lean Six Sigma

Chapter 13: Leading the Deployment

  • Looking at the Key Factors for Successful Deployment
  • Understanding Executive Sponsorship
  • Considering Size
  • Introducing the Deployment Programme Manager
  • Starting Your Lean Six Sigma Programme
  • Understanding What Project Champions Do


Chapter 14: Selecting the Right Projects

  • Driving Strategy Deployment with Lean Six Sigma
  • Generating a List of Candidate Improvement Projects
  • Working Out Whether Lean Six Sigma Is the Right Approach
  • Prioritising projects
  • Using a criteria selection matrix
  • Deciding on which approach fits which project: Doing the work right
  • Setting Up a DMAIC Project


Chapter 15: Running Rapid Improvement Events

  • Seeing Rapid Improvement with Kaizen or Kai Sigma Events
  • Understanding the Facilitator’s Role
  • Planning and preparation
  • Running the event
  • Following up and action planning
  • Creating a Checklist for Running Successful Events


Chapter 16: Putting It All Together

  • Working Your Way through DMAIC
  • Defining Where You’re Going
  • Looking at the outputs from the Define phase
  • Being prepared: Typical questions the team needs to address in Define
  • Considering typical questions the champion needs to ask in Define
  • Getting the Measure of Things
  • Checking the outputs from the Measure phase
  • Noting some typical questions the team needs to address in Measure
  • Recognising typical questions the champion needs to ask in Measure
  • Analysing the Data to Find the Root Cause
  • Checking the outputs from the Analyse phase
  • Examining typical questions the team needs to address in Analyse
  • Examining typical questions the champion needs to ask in Analyse
  • Quantifying the Opportunity
  • Applying Solutions in the Improve Phase
  • Checking the outputs from the Improve phase
  • Eyeing typical questions the team needs to address in Improve
  • Noting typical questions the champion needs to ask in Improve
  • Confirming the Customer and Business Benefits
  • Implementing Standardising and Controlling the Solution
  • Checking the outputs from the Control phase
  • Listing typical questions the team needs to address in Control
  • Noting typical questions the champion needs to ask in Control
  • Conducting the Final Benefit Review


Chapter 17: Ensuring Everyday Operational Excellence

  • Making Everyday Operational Excellence a Reality
  • Clarifying the Role of the Manager
  • Working on the process
  • Engaging the team
  • Getting Better Every Day in Every Way
  • Using the right methodology
  • Creating a culture of continuous improvement


Chapter 18: Comprehending the People Issues

  • Working Right Right from the Start
  • Gaining acceptance
  • Managing change
  • Overcoming resistance
  • Creating a Vision
  • Understanding Organisational Culture
  • Busting Assumptions
  • Seeing How People Cope with Change
  • Comparing energy and attitude
  • Using a forcefield diagram
  • Analysing your stakeholders
  • Focusing on key elements of change


Part VI: The Part of Tens

Chapter 19: Ten Best Practices

  • Lead and Manage the Programme
  • Appreciate that Less is More
  • Build in Prevention
  • Challenge Your Processes
  • Go to the Gemba
  • Manage Your Processes with Lean Six Sigma
  • Pick the Right Tools for the Job
  • Tell the Whole Story
  • Understand the Role of the Champion
  • Looking at the Lean Six Sigma programme executive sponsor
  • Perusing the role of the project champion
  • Use Strategy to Drive Lean Six Sigma


Chapter 20: Ten Pitfalls to Avoid

  • Jumping to Solutions
  • Coming Down with Analysis Paralysis
  • Falling into Common Project Traps
  • Stifling the Programme before You’ve Started
  • Ignoring the Soft Stuff
  • Getting Complacent
  • Thinking that You’re Already Doing It
  • Believing the Myths
  • Doing the Wrong Things Right
  • Overtraining


Chapter 21: Ten (Plus One) Places to Go for Help

  • Your Colleagues
  • Your Champion
  • Other Organisations
  • The Internet
  • Social Media
  • Networks and Associations
  • Conferences
  • Books
  • Periodicals
  • Software
  • Statistical analysis
  • Simulation
  • Deployment management
  • Mobile apps
  • Training and Consultancy Companies





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