Beginning Java EE 7

Antonio Goncalves

ISBN: 9788132214083

608 pages

INR 649


Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) continues to be one of the leading Java technologies and platforms. Beginning Java EE 7 is the first tutorial book on Java EE 7. Step by step and easy to follow, this book describes many of the Java EE 7 specifications and reference implementations and shows them in action using practical examples. This definitive book also uses the newest version of GlassFish to deploy and administer the code examples.


· Java EE 7 Environment

· Context and Dependency Injection

· Bean Validation

· Java Persistence API

· Object-Relational Mapping

· Managing Persistent Object

· Enterprise Java Beans

· Callbacks, Timer Service, and Authorization

· Interceptors and Transactions

· JavaServer Faces

· Processing and Navigation

· XML and JSON

· Messaging

· SOAP Web Services

· RESTful Web Service


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