Advertising For Dummies, 2ed

Gary R. Dahl

ISBN: 9789357462013

INR 899


So, you need to create an advertising campaign that brings in more customers, adds more dollars to your bottom line, and validates all the reasons you went into business in the first place. But how can you make your ad look and sound like champagne if your budget can only afford beer? Are you wasting your time trying to sell ice to an Eskimo?


About This Book

Conventions Used in This Book

What You’re Not to Read

Foolish Assumptions

How This Book Is Organized

Part I: Advertising 101

Part II: Creating Great Ads for Every Medium

Part III: Buying the Different Media

Part IV: Beyond the Basics: Creating Buzz and Using Publicity

Part V: The Part of Tens

Icons Used in This Book

Where to Go from Here


Part I: Advertising 101

Chapter 1: Advertising: Mastering the Art of Promotion

  • Making Advertising Work
  • Getting to Know Your Media Options
  • Regarding radio
  • Rating TV
  • Contemplating print
  • Musing upon direct mail
  • Scrutinizing outdoor advertising
  • Ogling online ads
  • Poring over publicity
  • Lessons from the Legends: Figuring Out Your Advertising Needs
  • David Ogilvy
  • Bill Bernbach
  • Wieden and Kennedy


Chapter 2: Setting and Working within Your Advertising Budget

  • Determining How Much You Can Afford to Spend
  • Developing an Advertising Strategy and a Tactical Plan
  • Researching and evaluating your competition
  • Identifying your target market
  • Knowing your product’s appeal
  • Maximizing Your Budget
  • Getting the most out of your creative and production
  • Using media you can afford


Chapter 3: Boosting Your Budget with Co-Op Programs

  • Knowing Who Uses Co-Op Funds
  • Finding Out Which of Your Suppliers Have Co-Op Funds Available
  • Knowing who to talk to
  • You’ve found your funds, now how do you get the dough?
  • Understanding the Rules, Regulations, and Restrictions
  • Getting your ads preapproved
  • Obtaining proof of performance
  • Submitting your co-op claims package


Chapter 4: Defining and Positioning Your Message

  • Understanding Why People Choose One Product or Service over Another
  • Image is everything
  • You’ve got personality!
  • Convenience: More than location
  • Don’t sacrifice service!
  • Let ’em know your uniqueness
  • The price is right
  • Researching and Assessing Your Competition: What Sets Your Product Apart?
  • Developing a Strategy for Your Advertising Campaign
  • Case Study: Advertising a Chain of Women’s Plus-Size Clothing Stores
  • Identifying the USP: The unique selling proposition
  • Knowing the budget — and staying within its limits
  • Shooting the ads
  • Selecting the right media
  • Applying these ideas to your ad campaign


Chapter 5: Forming an Effective Ad Campaign

  • Identifying and Targeting Your Audience
  • Focus on your primary market
  • Research your market
  • Checking Out Your Competition’s Ads so You Can Differentiate Yours
  • Focusing on Ads That You Respond to Most
  • Concocting a Creative Hook to Get Your Audience’s Attention
  • Creative brainstorming
  • Creative example: Developing a campaign for a community college
  • Incorporating Your Creative Message into an Overall Media Ad Campaign
  • Ensuring consistency of your message in all media you choose
  • Keeping your message simple
  • Using words that sell
  • Delivering your message with clarity


Part II: Creating Great Ads for Every Medium

Chapter 6: Online Advertising: Maximizing the Enormous Reach of the Internet

  • Measuring the Pros and Cons of Online Advertising
  • Creating Your Own Web Site
  • Deciding on your Web site goals
  • Choosing an effective domain name
  • Saving money (or your sanity): Your Web design
  • Designing a strong Web site
  • Promoting Your Site
  • Setting Goals for Online Ads
  • Ads that build awareness
  • Ads that encourage click-through
  • Ads that encourage sales
  • Choosing Among Online Ad Formats
  • Creating banner ads
  • Doing e-mail advertising


Chapter 7: Using Print Ads: Small Spaces with Big Audiences

  • Exploring the Advantages of Print
  • Recognizing What Makes a Print Ad Successful
  • Writing and Designing an Eye-Catching Print Ad
  • Hammering out your headline
  • Shaping your subheads
  • Building your body copy
  • Generating your graphics
  • Don’t forget the layout!


Chapter 8: Radio: Effective, Affordable, and Fun

  • Summarizing Your Business in 60 Seconds
  • Who are you?
  • What are you selling?
  • When do you want consumers to act?
  • How can customers get in touch with you?
  • Why should customers hire or buy from you?
  • Deciding on the Format for Your Ad
  • Talking it up: Dialogue
  • Amusing (and schmoozing) the masses: Comedy
  • Giving just the facts: A straight read
  • Determining Who Should Read the Script
  • Doing it yourself
  • Using a studio announcer
  • Hiring a professional voice talent
  • Setting It All in Motion: How to Get Your Ad on the Radio


Chapter 9: Demystifying TV Commercials: They Don’t Have to Win Awards to Be Effective

  • Designing Your TV Commercial in Layers
  • Audio
  • Video
  • Computer graphics
  • Bringing the Audio and Visual Together
  • Deciding What to Feature in Your Commercial
  • Appearing in your own commercial
  • Promoting with a professional
  • Highlighting your place of business
  • Focusing the camera on your product or service
  • Figuring Out Where to Shoot
  • On location
  • In the studio
  • Producing Your Commercial
  • Using the TV station’s production department
  • Hiring an independent production house
  • Editing Your Commercial


Chapter 10: Collateral Advertising and Direct Mail: Brochures, Flyers, Newsletters, and More

  • First Things First: Planning Your Collateral Campaign
  • Watching Out for Collateral Budget Busters
  • Adding a little (or a lot) of color
  • Printing cheap: No such thing?
  • Designing the Best Collateral Ads for Your Business
  • Striving for a simple design and clear copy
  • Deciding what to include in your ad
  • Getting help with your design
  • Handing Off the Dirty Work: Direct-Mail Houses
  • Asking the direct-mail provider some important questions
  • Planning your postage


Chapter 11: Opting for Outdoor Ads: Billboards, Posters, Ads on Buses, and Other Signage

  • Recognizing the Advantages of Outdoor Advertising
  • Measuring the Effectiveness of Outdoor Ads
  • Choosing Among Your Outdoor Advertising Options
  • Designing Memorable Outdoor Advertising
  • Pursuing potential customers
  • Making your ad readable
  • Keeping your ad clear
  • Making it worth remembering
  • Looking at a Success Story: Chick-fil-A’s Billboard Campaign
  • Aiming for the target audience
  • Setting up the marketing strategy
  • Capitalizing on the creative strategy
  • Reaping the results


Part III: Buying the Different Media

Chapter 12: Investing in Internet Advertising

  • Hiring Someone to Create Your Business Web Site
  • Choosing a Web designer worthy of your hard-earned dollars
  • Contracting with and paying a Web designer
  • Finding an ISP to Run Your Site
  • Ranking Your Site: Purchasing Key Words on Search Engines
  • Buying Banner Ads on Other Web Sites
  • Using ad networks
  • Placing your online ads yourself
  • Online advertising via affiliate programs
  • Finding out whether your banner is working
  • Assessing the Cost-Effectiveness of E-Mail Advertising


Chapter 13: Buying Ad Space in Print Media

  • Choosing the Right Publication for Your Print Ad
  • Calculating Your Print Ad’s Cost
  • Finding a Good Sales Rep
  • Cold-calling a publication: Don’t do it!
  • Going straight to the top: Call the sales manager
  • Asking for referrals
  • Becoming a Formidable Ad Buyer
  • Acting as though you’re reluctant
  • Making your sales rep think she’s got competition
  • Complaining when the time is right


Chapter 14: Purchasing Ad Time on the Radio

  • Determining the Best Radio Station for Your Ads
  • Specifying which demographic you’re after
  • Doing your homework
  • Buying the station
  • Talking the Talk of Radio Advertising
  • Cume
  • Ranker
  • Dayparts
  • Reading the Fine Print
  • Hammering out the details
  • Holding ’em to it
  • Waiting Patiently for the Results
  • Giving your audience time to respond
  • Buying radio time: Too little, too much?
  • Evaluating your radio ads from time to time
  • Taking Advantage of Seasonal Incentives to Reduce Your Costs


Chapter 15: Getting Your Ads on Television

  • Buying the Programming, Not the Station
  • Comparing TV Stations: Request Media Kits
  • Ready to Negotiate? Better Know Your TV Marketing Terms First!
  • Understanding timing and sweeps
  • Measuring ratings and market shares
  • Working with a Sales Rep
  • Talkin’ the talk: Negotiating successfully
  • Is Cable Advertising Right for You?
  • Working effectively with a cable sales rep
  • Hitting the bull’s-eye with cable ads
  • Doing the math: Cable TV market penetration


Chapter 16: Deciding Whether to Hire an Ad Agency

  • Determining When You May Need to Hire an Agency
  • Finding the Right Agency for Your Business
  • Getting to Know the People Handling Your Account
  • Compensating Your Agency
  • Media commissions
  • Creative and production charges
  • Markups
  • Retainers
  • Working with Your Agency to Get What You Need


Part IV: Beyond the Basics: Creating Buzz and Using Publicity

Chapter 17: Creating Buzz and Word-of-Mouth Advertising

  • Getting the Terminology Straight
  • Seeing the Power of Word of Mouth
  • Examining word-of-mouth marketing success stories
  • Beware of negative buzz!
  • Tips and Techniques on Generating Buzz
  • Coining a great new phrase
  • Hiring beautiful people to promote your product
  • Taking advantage of celebrity endorsements
  • Throwing a party
  • Hitting the streets
  • Figuring out where to find your big mouths
  • Creating a blog about your business


Chapter 18: Leveraging Your Advertising with Public Relations, Publicity, Specialty Items, and Events

  • Starting a Public Relations Campaign
  • Understanding How Publicity Can Bring Customers
  • Writing an effective press release
  • Getting the story to the right media
  • Advertising on Specialty Items
  • Recognizing the advantages of specialty advertising
  • Selecting specialty items with a purpose
  • Keep the copy simple on a specialty item
  • Generating Traffic: Promotional Events
  • Radio: The promotions king
  • Other promotional opportunities
  • Participating in Sponsored Events
  • Determining whether you can staff the event
  • Calculating the costs: A valuable investment?
  • Deciding which events are worthwhile
  • Finding sponsored events that work for your business


Part V: The Part of Tens

Chapter 19: Ten Secrets for Writing Memorable Advertising

  • Ignoring the Rules of Grammar
  • Making Your Ads Effective
  • Knowing Why People Buy Your Products
  • Finding a Creative Hook
  • Remembering That Creativity Is Hard Work
  • Letting Your Creative Hook Dictate Your Media Buy
  • Considering Your Budget
  • Striving for Continuity
  • Keeping It Simple
  • Being Clear in Your Message


Chapter 20: (Almost) Ten Ways to Know It’s Time to Hire an Agency

  • Your Ad Budget Has Become Substantial
  • You Need the Expertise of a Professional Media Buyer
  • Your Creative Light Bulb Has Burned Out
  • You’re Overwhelmed by the Demands of Production
  • You’re Having Trouble Keeping Up with the Bookkeeping
  • You’re Leaving Co-Op Funds on the Table
  • Your Time Is Being Taken Up by Media Reps
  • You’re Running Faster to Stay in the Same Place
  • You Want a Bunch of Free Stuff






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