Human Resource Management, 13ed (An Indian Adaptation)

Susan L. Verhulst, David A. DeCenzo, Rama Shankar Yadav

ISBN: 9789354243394

636 pages

INR 1099


Human Resource Management provides a strong foundation of essential elements of the subject as well as a clear understanding of how HRM links with business strategy. Through practical applications, it illustrates the importance of employees on every level of an organization. This book helps students build the strong foundation and relevant skill set required in today's workplace. End-of-chapter Workshops are designed to foster analytic, diagnostic, team-building, investigative, presentation, communication, writing, and other essential HRM skills, while chapter summaries, reviews, and discussion questions help reinforce the content.


Part 1 Understanding HRM

1 The Dynamic Environment of HRM

  • Learning Outcomes
  • Introduction
  • Globalization
  • Technology
  • Ethical Issues in HRM: Invasion of Privacy?
  • Legal Compliance
  • Workforce Composition Trends
  • Diversity Topics: Valuing a Diverse Workplace
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Labor Costs
  • Diversity Topics: Glass Ceiling Still a Barrier for Women Globally
  • Issues Contingent Workers Create for HRM
  • Continuous Improvement Programs
  • Employee Involvement
  • Other HRM Challenges
  • Ethical Issues in HRM: Guidelines for Acting Ethically
  • Ethical Issues in HRM: Everyday Ethics


2 Functions and Strategy

  • Learning Outcomes
  • Introduction
  • Evolution of Management
  • Functions of Management
  • The Role of HR in the Strategic Management Process
  • Diversity Topics: Politics, Profits, and Diversity
  • The HRM Functions
  • Structure of the HR Department
  • Talent Management
  • Tips for Success: HRM Certification
  • HR Trends and Opportunities
  • HRM in a Global Environment


3 Human Resource Planning and Job Analysis

  • Learning Outcomes
  • Introduction
  • Tips for Success: Where the Jobs Are
  • Linking Organizational Strategy to Human Resource Planning
  • Ethical Issues in HRM: Shades of Green
  • The Job Analysis Process
  • Job Descriptions
  • Job Design, Creating Better Jobs
  • Flexible Work Schedules
  • Contemporary Connection: All Hands On Deck! Telecommuting in Transition


Part 2 Legal and Ethical Context of HRM

4 Equal Employment Opportunity

  • Learning Outcomes
  • Introduction
  • The Importance of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • Ethical Issue: Guess What the Court Said!
  • Laws Affecting Discriminatory Practices
  • Selected Relevant Supreme Court Cases
  • Preventing Discriminatory Practices
  • Enforcing Equal Opportunity Employment
  • Contemporary Connection: EEOC Reaches Out to Young Workers
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Ethical Issues in HRM: How Bad Does It Have to Be?
  • Current Issues in Equal Employment
  • Ethical Issues in HRM: English-Only Rules
  • Major Employment Laws in India
  • HRM in a Global Environment


5 Ethics, Employee Rights and Discipline

  • Learning Outcomes
  • Introduction
  • Ethics
  • Employee Rights and Discipline According to Indian Employment Laws
  • Employee Records and Related Laws
  • Social Media Use
  • Contemporary Connection: They’re Using It on Their Phones Anyway . . .
  • Current Issues Regarding Employee Rights
  • Contemporary Connection: Why Organizations Conduct Drug Tests
  • Workplace Monitoring
  • The Employment-at-Will Doctrine
  • Discipline and Employee Rights
  • Ethical Issue: If It Isn’t Harassment, What Is It?
  • Tips for Success: Are You Part of the Problem?
  • Dismissing or Firing Employees, the Final Option
  • Employee Relations in a Global Environment


Part 3 Talent Acquisition

6 Recruiting

  • Learning Outcomes
  • Introduction
  • Introduction and Purpose of Recruitment
  • Effective Recruiting
  • Recruiting Challenges
  • Tips for Success: Best Practices for Hiring a Diverse Workforce
  • Diversity Topics: Job Advertisements and EEO
  • Internal Recruiting Sources
  • Tips for Success: Writing Job Postings that Get Results
  • External Recruiting Sources
  • Online Recruiting
  • Recruitment Alternatives
  • Tips for Success: Are You Recruiting Material?
  • Recruiting: A Global Perspective
  • Your Own Job Search
  • Tips for Success: Breaking into HR


7 Foundations of Selection

  • Learning Outcomes
  • Introduction
  • Screening Applicants
  • Application Forms
  • Tips for Success: Professionalism on the Phone
  • Diversity Topics: Questions to Avoid
  • Preemployment Testing
  • Interviewing Applicants
  • Real HR Encounters: Involving Employees in the Selection Process
  • Tips for Success: Preparing Interview Questions
  • Preventing Perceptual Errors
  • Background Investigations, Medical and Physical Exams
  • Real HR Encounters: Checking References
  • Tips for Success: Too Much Information
  • Reliability and Validity in Testing
  • The Employment Offer
  • Final Thoughts: Excelling at the Interview


Part 4 Training and Development

8 Onboarding, Training, and Developing Employees

  • Learning Outcomes
  • Introduction
  • Onboarding
  • Learning Culture through Socialization
  • Tips for Success: Orientation Checklist
  • New Employee Orientation
  • Real HR Encounters: HR’s Role in Creating and Sustaining Culture
  • It’s All in Here: The Employee Handbook
  • Diversity Topics: Training, Development, and EEO
  • Designing Employee Training
  • How to Design an Annual Training Calendar
  • Tips for Success: Becoming a Trainer
  • Training Methods
  • Evaluating Training Effectiveness
  • Employee Development
  • Organization Development
  • The Learning Organization
  • International Training and Development Issues


9 Managing Careers

  • Learning Outcomes
  • Introduction
  • Career Development
  • The Organization’s Role in Career Development
  • Managers and Career Development
  • Strong Cultures of Building versus Buying Talent
  • The Employee Role in Career Development
  • Traditional Career Stages
  • Contemporary Connection: Winners and Losers
  • Personality Style and Career Fit
  • Tips for Success: Entrepreneurship: Building Your Own Career
  • Taking Responsibility for Building Your Career


10 Performance Management

  • Learning Outcomes
  • Introduction
  • Purposes of Performance Management Systems
  • The Appraisal Process
  • Contemporary Connection: The Feedback Fix
  • Evaluating Performance with Absolute Standards
  • Evaluating Performance with Relative Standards
  • Contemporary Connection: Forced Rankings
  • Using Achieved Outcomes to Evaluate Employees
  • Contemporary Connection: Facts on Performance Evaluations
  • Factors That Can Distort Appraisals
  • Creating More Effective Performance Management Systems
  • Contemporary Connection: The “Anywhere” Performance Appraisal
  • The Performance Appraisal Meeting
  • International Performance Appraisal
  • Tips for Success: Performance Metrics in China
  • Performance Appraisal and Talent Management


Part 5 Total Rewards

11 Establishing Rewards and Pay Plans

  • Learning Outcomes
  • Introduction
  • Rewarding Employees
  • Ethical Issues in HRM: Taking Care of the Employees Who Take Care of the Guests
  • Government Regulation of Compensation
  • Contemporary Connection: The Minimum Wage Debate
  • External Factors Affecting Compensation
  • The Pay Structure
  • Types of Compensation
  • Executive Compensation Programs
  • International Compensation
  • Contemporary Connection: Compensation in a Global Environment


12 Employee Benefits

  • Learning Outcomes
  • Introduction
  • Employee Benefits in India Referring to the Factories Act and the Companies Act
  • Benefits Planning
  • Legally Required Benefits
  • Real HR Encounters: Abusing Worker’s Compensation
  • Voluntary Benefits
  • Ethical Issue: Cash or Benefits?
  • Real HR Encounters: Whiteboard Puts a Face on the Cost of Health Insurance
  • Retirement Benefits
  • Ethical Issues in HRM: Pensions in Peril
  • Contemporary Connection: Leaving It Up to You: Paid Time Off (PTO) Leave
  • Leave Benefits
  • Ethical Issues in HRM: Making Sick Leave a Required Benefit?
  • Benefits in a Global Environment


Part 6 Safety and Labor Relations

13 Managing Health and Safety Risks

  • Learning Outcomes
  • Introduction
  • Importance of Safety
  • Top Management and its Impact on Safety Culture in Organizations
  • Legal Obligations for Workplace Safety and Health
  • Ethical Issues in HRM: Legacy of a Tragedy
  • OSHA Inspection and Enforcement
  • Contemporary Connection: OSHA’s Top Ten Violations
  • Creating Safer Workplaces
  • Contemporary Connection: Industrial Athletes
  • Health and Safety Issues
  • Stress
  • Security Management in Organizations
  • International Safety and Health
  • International Health Issues
  • International Safety Issues


14 Understanding Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining

  • Learning Outcomes
  • Introduction
  • The History of Labor Union
  • Why Employees Join Unions
  • Laws That Created the Legal Framework for Unions
  • Contemporary Connection: The Answer Is Blowing in the Wind
  • Diversity Topics: Unions and EEO
  • Other Laws Affecting Labor–Management Relations
  • Unionizing Employees
  • Tips for Success: What Managers Need to Know to Keep Out of Trouble
  • Collective Bargaining
  • Ethical Issues in HRM: Pressure Tactics
  • Contract Administration
  • Critical Issues for Unions Today
  • International Labor Relations
  • Future of Labor Unions
  • Way Forward


Part 7 Contemporary Topics in Human Resource Management

15 Managing International Human Resources

  • Learning Outcomes
  • Introduction
  • Understanding International Human Resource Management
  • Differences Between IHRM and Domestic HRM
  • Talent Acquisition for an International Assignment
  • Training and Socialization of Expatriates
  • Performance Management of Expatriates
  • Career Management and Repatriation of Expatriates
  • Managing Labor Relations Abroad
  • Integration Issues: Globalization versus Localization


16 Managing Human Resources in Small and Medium Enterprises

  • Learning Outcomes
  • Introduction
  • Understanding Small and Medium Enterprises
  • Importance of Human Resource Management in SMEs
  • Managing HR Functions Economically and Efficiently


17 Strategic Human Resource Management

  • Learning Outcomes
  • Introduction
  • Understanding Strategic Human Resource Management
  • Understanding the Impact of SHRM on Business
  • Models of SHRM
  • Understanding Contemporary Issues of SHRM
  • Using Balanced Scorecard in the HRM Context to Gain Competitive Advantage
  • Usage of HR Analytics to Reap Strategic Benefits



Key Terms

HRM Workshop

Case Application 17-A: How to Fire? A Case of Strategic Layoffs

Case Application 17-B: Attrition Problem in Mikey Shoes







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