C# 2012 Programming Black Book Covers .NET 4.5

Kogent Learning Solutions Inc.

ISBN: 9789351192107

1476 pages

eBook also available for institutional users 

INR 699


C# 2012 Programming Black Book is the most comprehensive book one will find on C#. It contains useful and in-depth information on all the conceptual foundations of C# 2012 and at the same time, explains how to implement each language concept programmatically, by providing most appropriate examples with full explanations. This edition of the book particularly deals with some new and advanced topics including WPF, WCF, WF, ASP.NET AJAX, Silverlight, and LINQ.

Part I: .NET Framework 4.5 and Visual Studio 2012

Chapter 1: C#.NET Essentials


Part II: C# Programming Language

Chapter 2: C# Fundamentals

Chapter 3: Flow Control and Exception Handling in C# 5.0 Programs

Chapter 4: Namespaces, Classes, Objects, and Structs

Chapter 5: Object-Oriented Programming in C# 5.0

Chapter 6: Pointers, Delegates, and Events

Chapter 7: Dynamic Data Type and Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR)


Part III: Windows Forms and Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)

Chapter 8: Introducing Windows Presentation Foundation

Chapter 9: Working with WPF 4.5 Controls, Resources, Styles, Templates and Commands


Part IV: ASP.NET 4.5 and Silverlight 5.0

Chapter 10: Introducing ASP.NET 4.5 and Web Forms

Chapter 11: Standard Web Server Controls

Chapter 12: Navigation Controls in ASP.NET 4.5

Chapter 13: Login and Web Parts Controls in ASP.NET 4.5

Chapter 14: Enhancing Web Applications with Silverlight 5.0


Part V: Services and Deployment

Chapter 15: ASP.NET Web Services

Chapter 16: Working with Windows Communication Foundation

Chapter 17: Deploying Windows and Web Applications


Part VI: Interacting with Database in C# 5.0

Chapter 18: ADO.NET Entity Framework

Chapter 19: Data Access with ADO.NET

Chapter 20: .NET and SQL Server

Chapter 21: Data Binding in Windows Forms and WPF Applications

Chapter 22: Data Binding in ASP.NET Applications

Chapter 23: LINQ Queries


Part VII: Advanced Topics

Chapter 24: File Handling in C# 2012

Chapter 25: Working with XML and .NET

Chapter 26: Threading in C# 5.0

Chapter 27: Collections and Generics

Chapter 28: Reflection in C# 5.0

Chapter 29: .NET Remoting in C# 5.0

Chapter 30: Security in .NET 4.5

Chapter 31: Case Study: Sports Website




Online Resource Available with the Book

Bonus chapters/Appendices on the Web

Chapter 1: Windows Forms in C# 5.0

Chapter 2: Windows Forms Controls: Button, Label, TextBox, RichTextBox, and


Chapter 3: Windows Forms Controls: RadioButton, CheckBox, ListBox, CheckedListBox,

and ComboBox

Chapter 4: Windows Forms Controls: ListView, TreeView, ImageList, PictureBox, Panel,

GroupBox, and TabControl

Chapter 5: Windows Forms Controls: SplitContainer, ScrollBar, TrackBar, ToolTip,

NotifyIcon, MonthCalendar, DateTimePicker, Timer, and ProgressBar

Chapter 6: Windows Forms Controls: ToolStrip, MenuStrip, ContextMenuStrip,

StatusStrip, and Dialog Box Controls

Chapter 7: Working with Typography and Documents in WPF

Chapter 8: Using Graphics and Multimedia in Windows Forms and WPF

Chapter 9: Validation Controls in ASP.NET

Chapter 10: Developing ASP.NET AJAX Applications

Chapter 11: Windows Services

Chapter 12: .NET Assemblies

Chapter 13: Working with Windows Workflow Foundation

Chapter 14: Working with COM+ Applications in C# 5.0

Chapter 15: Application Globalization

Chapter 16: Cryptography in .NET 4.5

Appendix A: Introducing SOA

Appendix B: Introducing Cloud Computing

Appendix C: Syndication

Appendix D: Introducing MAF and MEF Frameworks


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