Service - Oriented Architecture & Microservices Architecture

Praise for Service-Oriented Architecture & Microservices Architecture By Prof. Vasudev Varma Professor and the Dean,Research & Development, IIIT, Hyderabad

SOA and Microservices are very important topics in today's software industry. These topics are even more relevant because of the explosion of cloud, mobile and analytics usage everywhere and almost for everything with billions of devices and apps connecting with each other. The timely revised edition of Service-Oriented Architecture & Microservices Architecture: For Enterprise, Cloud, Big Data and Mobile (3rd Edition), I am sure, will add a lot of value to the knowledge seekers in this area.

This is an important book for students as well as practitioners for several reasons. It starts with a solid foundation, well structured, builds the concepts in a logical order, covers all the important topics, explains the trends, holistic in its approach and easy to read. Each chapter is well-thought and the flow is quite smooth. This is also a very practical guide for implementing microservices after connecting the readers with necessary theoretical underpinnings. Working from the first principles, this book provides how the SOA and Microservices have become matured technologies not just within the enterprise context but also in the world of big data, cloud and mobile.


Prof. Vasudev Varma

Professor and the Dean,

Research & Development,

IIIT, Hyderabad

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