Preparation For CAT-2018 Varc Section

CAT-2018 Pattern to be the Same as CAT-2015 to 2017

The CAT-2018 notification issued on 29 July 2018 confirms that the pattern of CAT-2015 to 2017 will be repeated in CAT-2018—34 questions in the English (VARC) section with a sectional time limit of 60 minutes.  This section has been dominated by reading comprehension (RC)—24 questions / 5 passages. Even the verbal reasoning (VR)—10 questions comprising jumbled paragraphs, out-of-context sentence and summary of a paragraph essentially test your RC skills. So it will be RC all the way:

  1. RC Passages (Long): 3 passages × 6 questions each  = 18 questions (MCQ)
  2. RC Passages (Short): 2 passages × 3 questions each = 06 questions (MCQ)
  3. Paragraph Summary:                                                 = 03 questions (MCQ)
  4. Jumbled Paragraphs:                                                 = 04 questions (TITA)
  5. Out-of-Context Sentences:                                         = 03 questions (TITA)

                                                                                         Total = 34 questions


Preparation for VARC Section: Reading and Vocabulary-Building

This book helps you prepare by giving you lot of reading comprehension and vocabulary-building tasks/tests/exercises to do simultaneously. Reading and vocabulary together create a spiralling effect: regular reading helps you build a wide vocabulary, and, in turn, a wide vocabulary helps deepen your reading comprehension.

To further support your efforts, a Supplement on Building Vocabulary has been provided for building your vocabulary. It offers you a 4-month/16-week vocabulary-building programme. In devising the programme, we have adopted a multi-pronged approach to vocabulary-building keeping in view the nature of the English vocabulary and the specific difficulties faced by you.

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