Agile Scrum: Improving Practices for Business Gain - About the Book

Agile Scrum: Improving Practices for Business Gains is written with an objective to elaborate extensively on the scrum practices to make them effective in operations for demonstrating business gains. If the processes and practices used for software development are not adding business value, then there is no buy in by the stakeholders and the management. 

Naturally, the uniqueness of this book lies in learning on how to make them successful in operations!

Section A of the book covers everything that a scrum practitioner needs to learn about the practices, their objectives, their deploying procedures, guidelines to make them effective in operations, challenges associated with the deployment and probable solutions along with what business value needs to be demonstrated from them.  

Another focus of the book is to understand management aspects associated with these practices and they are compared with the typical traditional waterfall model of software engineering. How these management aspects, such as Project Management, Quality Management, Risk Management, Cost Management, Customer Management, are handled in scrum and compared them with waterfall mode, is learnt in Section B of the book.

Section C of the book has 7 case studies. Each case is a unique theme with different challenges associated with scrum deployment. They are handled with different solutions. Some of the solutions were successful and some failed. But there is a sizable learning from them because “scrum never fails”.

The book is for the beginners in scrum, practitioners and professionals who are already using it for adding business value in their assignments, for the consultant and experts who would learn from the author’s deployment experience and even for the leadership to retrospect and GROW. 

There are specific takeaways for each category of stakeholders. That is business gain!


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